26: Group

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Kyle p.o.v.

I leaned on the wall and sigh at what's her face.
"You wanna know about my past?" I lifted up an eyebrow at her
"Yes please" she nodded
"Well to bad you can't!" I growled with anger and was about to walk out the door before someone grabbed my wrist
"I'm so sorry missed but I was inform to know what at least one person past?!" She insisted
"If I tell you would you shut the f**k up and leave me the hell alone"
"Such violent language but...yes!"

Josh p.o.v.

As seeing Kyle getting stuck up in class I got worried about it. What did Ms. Dawn wanted to talk to Kyle about anyways. I hope it doesn't involve her to get detention again.

I guess I'll see later....but I need to go to the gym too see about that group. Hopefully everything will end well at the end.


I made it to the gym which too me forever to get to. I open the door and saw nothing but pitch black.

"Hello.... Anyone here!!" Yelled
"Who's that" someone whispers
"That's the new person who joining" the familiar voice spoke
"But he's a boy?!"
"Where right here Josh!!!" The familiar yelled hearing it come closer

Soon the light came on dole only to be see a couple of people wearing a dark purple hoodie. When I looked my eyes to the left I saw Vicki right next to me with a smirk crossing her lips.

"You came over"
"So that's mean your apart of this group.... No going back.. OK" she winked
"Yes!" They hollered
"Say hello to your new group mate!!... Josh white!"
"Hello Josh!"
"Now that we got that done with....we truly need to except you into this alright . so just stand in the middle of that circle."

I nodded my head and walked in the middle of the circle with the. Everyone surrounded me holding hands in a circle. Then all of a sudden a girl walked up to me with another purple hoodie that kind of look like my size.

"Hello josh... Wow you is cuter up close " she giggle while blushing
"Anyways I'm Mary... Now raise your right hand and repeat what I saw ok..."

I nodded my hand in response and prepared myself. I can't believe I'm doing something like this. I hope Kyle ok..

"I Josh white... Agrees to stay loyal to this group no matter what...even if the heartbreaker get me caught in I shall not disobey my fellow girls"

I slowly repeated what she said thinking about each word I was saying... Was this right...am I doing something right or wrong right now.. God I need help!

"Good, now please bowl your head so I can place this on your head"

I bowled my head and let Mary placed the dark purple hoodie on me. I stranded up straight and fixed the hoodie and thanked Mary with a smile which she blushed to and ran back toward Vicki.

Viki walked up towards me with two girls by her side.

" congratulations your officially apart of the is group now" Vicki clapped
"Now I'm going to introduce you to some of the group mate...this here is my friend Mary and Fancy"
"Hey I'm Fancy nice to meet you cutie"
"I'm Mary like you already know"
"And that one right there is Sarah and you already know your dear sis Lila"

I didn't know she was in this group too

"And the rest of them want to be unknown for now..."
"Now to start off the first mission" Fancy grinned causing everyone to chuckle

Oh gosh...

Hope u guys love this chapter
I'll try my best on the next one😍😘

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