35: Give me a Reason

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OK Wattys here my reason over not updating recently ...school and

Lately I haven't been in the mood to write because of my grades and because of being tired all the time.

Anyways at least I'm almost at the end of this wonderful story!

Kyle p.o.v.

"My head hurt" I just now woken up from a serious headache. I looked around my surrounding and saw that I was in my room. Wasn't I with Josh? Right after that moment I heard laughter down stairs. They was unfamiliar to me though...could it be a robber! I gently got off my bed and slowly walked out my room and downstairs. When I got half way down the stairs I saw three people sitting on the couch. I gasp founding out who these people was..

"Haha...oh dear, you'll be a perfect guy for our daughter ain't that right sweety?"
"I won't make any promises but he do seem like a nice guy... I rather allow him with my daughter then some bad boy"
"Don't you remember you use to be a bad boy sweet?~ ohhh!!! How much you tried to get me"

I rolled my eyes and deeply sigh..they tell him all their life story but not to me!!

I ruffly sigh getting attition from everyone in the room. Their eyes was attached to me I slowly walked down stairs with no expression on my face. Soon as I reacher close enough towards my parents I spoke.

"Mom...Dad... Why the hell are you here!!!!" I yelled at them with anger and rage. This was truly painful for me "what do you mean—" "I haven't seen you guys in years and now you all of a sudden show up with out warning!" My parents stared at me with confusion. It obvious that they don't know what I mean..that's how they always is

"You guys know what I mean! Stop acting so stupid about this!!" Now I'm piss! I'm need a reason from them..

"What do you mean sweety? We always be with yo—" "Bull shit!! I'm pretty sure you guys don't even know how old I am!! Huh?! Your own daughter and you barely know what she's be doing at home when you guys be gone!!"

Tears started to come down....it was like a long river was coming. I didn't want to do this infront of Josh but I guess I have to.

My parents looked so dumbfounded and shock that they hesitated to speak.

My so call mother standed up and tried to touch my hand but I quickly slap it way which made a bigger scene then before.

"Don't Touch Me!!!" I growled at my own mother and started at father giving him a death glare "To Busy With Work Instead Of Caring About Your Kids So Pathetic!!" I yelled at him and storm up stairs into one of the guess room.

I hated them all, I hate my parent! They don't understand how this hurt....barely seeing your child cause them to be troublesome.

A small knock. I looked up at the door and waited for someone to say something "Kyle?" Josh?

"Is you OK? Please let me in for a sec!" I sigh and told him the door was unlock. He slowly came in and sated next by me. I kept my head down looking away from Josh. He sigh and took my hand by surprise, I slowly look up at him and saw a gently smile from him. I felt my cheeks burn and looked away from him.

"You OK?" He asked again
"Yeah...I'm fine" he pulled my face to look at him with his fingers.
"Your lying... Your crying...what's really wrong"

I looked into his eyes and gave up keeping all my feeling in. "J-josh....I barely know my parents! I-its their fault!!" He brought me towards his shoulders and let me cry on them. I sob so much that his shirt started to turn wet.

"I'm sorry...I got your shirt wet" I lift my head from his shoulder and looked down. "Its OK" I looked back up at Josh and saw a brightening smile cross his lips.

I'm so sorry he have to be involve in this situation.

Josh gently touched my cheeks with both of his hands. He was making me look eye to eye with him. I tried to avoid his eyes but I just keep looking back at them.

He leaned his head towards mines, soon our foreheads was touching. He closed his eyes and made a brief chuckle. Soon he gently smashed his lips together with mines.

My cheeks are now burning and my chest was pounding faster then usual. Why does when he kiss me its feels....different from the others?..

I hesitated to kiss him back, Josh removed his hands from my heayed cheeks and placed them around my back letting us become closer to each other.

We was chest to chest at the moment, I finally had the courage to kiss him back. I rapped my arms around his neck and leaned closer towards him. I felt a smile come across his lips while still kissing me.I broken the kiss and looked at him confuse.

"What wrong?" I asked him
He just shook his head and started to twist my hair. "You really need to talk to your parents about it" He finally said, I looked at him like he just shitted on his self!

"Your taking their side aren't you!" I yelled at him seeing his shock face looking at me him my rage eyes. He sigh and kissed my forehead surprising me. "I'm not on anyone side Kyle... Not even your. You need to talk to them and work it out, they'll listen."

He slowly got off the bed and walked to the door. Before he completely left the room he mumble to me "See you at school Kyle" and left.

Should I go talk to them...No!...No?....Yes?..Yes!

I got out the guess room and walked downstairs. I saw my parents in the living room talking, they didn't notice me walking in so I ease in their conversation.

"She's right" mother spoken to father "We are terrible parents our only daughter.. Our only child that disliked us because we never took care of her...letting other people watch over her while we work.....it took me 16 years to find that out!!" Tears was flowing threw her eyes. As for father be just started at her having no emotion on his face.

Until, he looked down towards the ground and gripped his pants. I saw small drops of tears coming from his chin falling on to the floor and his pants.

"Damn...Damn!! Damn!! DAMN!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs "Why the hell she have to be right.... I-..I thought I was doing the right thing!!! Working so we can live better then the others!!!...but I..."

"You guess that working everyday gaining money for your family was the right thing... It is but....not spending time with them...its like your working for strangers! Giving money to stranger" I spoken up and walked towards them they both looked up at me in shock.

"Sweetie.." Mother gotten up and  stranded in front of me. I just stared at her with dull eyes. I can see she was trying to hold back her tears. I sigh and open out my arms "Let it out...mom" I mumble

Her eyes widen and a small smile cross her face and tears started to flows. She landed both her and I into a hug. I hugged her back and looked straight at my father. He sigh and standed up walking towards my mother and I. He patted my back and smiled.

I then started to feel a small warmth in my chest.

I guess this is how Josh feel with his family.

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