25: Visitor

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"Josh wait up!!"

Josh p.o.v.

"You sure do walk fast"

I turn around to be seeing Kyle..The heartbreaker😖. She was bent down breathing heavy I know I didn't walked that far.

"Wanna walk with me to sex ed" she quickly said with a smile crossing her face
"Sure" I smile back

While walking to our next class we didn't say a word just hearing the clicking noses from our shoes hitting the white tile floor.
Kyle broke the silent with a sigh and a heavy huff. She looked my way and spoke

"This...morning in class.... You seemed.. Piss at me"

She notice that I was mad...should I tell her. No Vicky told me not to tell.

"Really... Well that could of been because I wasn't in the mood" I rubbed the back of my head
"You was this morning though"
"Ummm....we're at our class now!"

I quickly rush into class running towards my seat I could feel Kyle glaring at me with wonder . I didn't feel like lying to Kyle about this but I can't tell her either.... I know I'm just gone have to go to that group Vicky told me about.
I'll know the true Kyle soon. I hope

"OK class sit down because today we have a visited! And a new student" Ms Ed said coming into the class room with a jazzy look
"Is the new student a girl!" Some random boy yelled
"Yes why--"
"Is the visited a female too?
"Yes it good that your using male and females in stead of--"
"Is they hot!"
"......😒......Ms Jazz"

Kyle p.o.v.

The same girl from the last class walked into the class room with a smile. The idiot from last time asking to much question spoked once again annoying not just me but everyone.

"Wow such a sexy fox" he growled in a flirty way
"Hello I'm Kay Jazz but all of you can call me Pinky"
"Hello Ms Jazz please excuse the gentlemen at the back... He seems to be asking to many question and acting to pervious in this class today."
"That's ok ...Ms Ed.. Right?" She looked at her desk which showed the name of the teacher
"Yes that's my name....I'm sorry to let you do this but this is the only spot in the classroom left for you......you need to sit by Mr Smith"

Everyone gasped hearing that... What was wrong with "Mr. Smith" you might ask... it that he talk to much he's dum annoying a complete perv and doesn't let stuff go!

"I'm find with that" she walked near her desk
"Oh god.....anyways here come the visitor" the teacher sated down like she was about to pass out.

The visitor walked into the classroom she had short brown hair and greenish blueish eyes. I can tell she's in her 20's . All the boys was eye looking at her in aww which made me mad because I'm suppose to be the only hot chick in this school right now!

"Hello I'm Miss Dawn I was invited her by your wonderful teacher. She wanted me to tell you the my history of my life." The visited said in a very sweet tone which really reached my nerves
"Now when I was only 9 years old I didn't have a mother but I did has a father who was a drunk. He barely come to the house and pays the bills. So I was force to get a job. I worked at the--"
"Strip club!" Mr. Smith yelled which made everyone laugh except for me
"No...but I was working at the coffee shops. I didn't get paid very well but it was just enough to pay certain important bills that I needed. I worked at the coffee shop for 7 years so I was 16 when the mess started to happen. I was hanging out with my boyfriends and his friends after work. I was still wearing my uniform which was kind of short. My boyfriend asked me to come over to his house with his friend. At that time I wasn't aware of my surrounding I didn't have much common since either. So I agree to come when I was in his room just sitting on his bed I heard the other guys laugh and mumbling. One of them approached me with a gloomy look and whisper to me to run and don't come back after that he left the house. Of course I was confuse and stun at the same time that when my boyfriend showed up with a belt a rope and a wet towel. At that moment.... I knew something wrong was going to happen."
"And soon your boyfriend pass you out with the wet towel in his hand and used the rope and belt to tie you up and then everyone there raped you... Am I correct" I blunted out saying with no hesitation

Everyone looked at me in silent I know I'm correct about her situation and what could of happen but its doesn't mean everyone have to stare at me! Right.....

"Yes your correct.. I guess that's then of that but the lesson was to always be sure of your surrounding and only trust the people that are very close towards you"

Right after that the bell ringed and everyone left the room.

"Miss! May I have a word with you"

I turn around and saw what's her face Dawn in front me. I sigh and nodded my head and walked back into the classroom. I looked at Josh who seem worried I smiled at him and waved him goodbye to leave.

"Now Miss do you mind if I ask about your past"


Hope u guys enjoy this chapter some how I made this longer!

Have a awesome day guys😝👍❤

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I heard... Well looked up that some one name 4Chan is hacking wattpad and insta today
Please be safe 😥
I'm worried about many of u guys and the others wattpad people

((((I'm not a 100% sure if its sure though but I really don't know))))

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