22: Mix Feeling???

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Kyle p.o.v.

I walked into class not noticing the boys looking at me and the girls glaring.
I sated in my seat and crossed my legs. Where is Josh? He use to be on time for class.
Soon as the bell run Josh and his sister walking into the classroom.
Josh sated next by me and didn't say a word. What's wrong with him! Did something happen to him?!

I tapped his shoulder and he didn't react. I tapped him on the shoulder again but this time I respond.

"Why aren't you talking to me" I whisper
"What?" He said turning around looking so pissed

I stopped by the way Josh looked... I never saw Josh look or even react that way before!
Why do I feel so...weird.

Lila p.o.v.

As I was walking into the classroom with Josh soon as he saw Kyle his expression on his face change. It was weird..I never saw him looking so piss before.
As I sit next to Vicky with a wave she waved with a smile and spoked.

"How your brother. He seems soooooooo piss" she smirked
"I don't know...I never saw him like that before"
"Maybe he believes me now" she mumbles
"But anyways I seen that you meted...Kyle Brown"
"Yeah...she seems different from how your described her...and her two friends... Are awkwardly weird"
"She's just pretends to be nice to get what the hell she wants"
"Well that could describe why she was smiling the whole time"

After that moment it was silent so we just focused on the teacher.


#Lunch times#

Kyle p.o.v

I was sitting with Nicole and Natalie. They was both fighting once again about something stupid

"Stop hitting me Natalie!!" Nicole cried out
"I'm not even touching you! See" she lifted up her hands in the air
"Stop playing around and try to tell the truth with your lying self-"y'all two shut up" I yelled at them

They both looked at me in silent. I realize I over did it... I never reacted this way before. Why?! Why do I feel so..so......

I don't know!

"What wrong with you" Natalie asked
"Yeah are you OK" Nicole touched my shoulder
"Yeah I'm fine"
"Not finer then me" Natalie smirked
"Shut up" Nicole and I said at the same time
"Wow...it is creep when two people talk at the same time"
"Well duh!!" We both said at the same time again

Josh p.o.v.

For some reason after Vicky told me about Kyle... I just got.. Mad.
Like I couldn't stand anyone! I couldn't even look Kyle in the face because of it!
I didn't feel like going to lunch I skipped it just hanging out near my locker, thinking.

Should I join that group Vicky suggested me. Or.. Should I still be mysterious about who kyle really is..

"Hey stranger!" A girly voice yells

I looked around to see who spoke and to see even if that person was even talking to me. I shrugged my shoulder and turn around. While walking away I saw a girl with dark eyes looking straight into mines.

 While walking away I saw a girl with dark eyes looking straight into mines

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"Hey I'm pinky!👋"


4 some strange reason I feel like this chapter not interesting like the others but I still hope u enjoyed this!
And I hope you guys like the new character pinky!
Just to say that's not her real name just a nickname..

Love u guys/gals!😍


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