18: Wondering Around?¿

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Kyle p.o.v.

I was wondering around the hall seeing if I can fine Nataile or Nicole..
"Ugh!! I really need them!" I grouch

I walked around the school 3 times and finally thought to call them instead of looking stupid and lost around the school. I called Natalie first.

"Ring...." My phone rings
"She better answer.." I mumbles leaning on an locker
"Fuck!!" I yelled

I hung up and called Nicole also hearing my phone ring someone answer.

"Oh Nicole!!! Thanks God I got you on the phone! I need you now!"
"Wait a sec what happen!" She said worried

I could hear noses from the background. I can tell she was at home with Natalie and was probably doing homework before she answer the phone.

"I...I'm... On...well...JUST COME DOWN HER WITH YOUR EMERGENCY BAG OK!!" I hollered at her and quickly hung up ur phone

She would of understand why I called her..... My stomach hurt and I feel like running into a wall!!
I quickly ran to the bathroom and went in a stall. I stated on the toilet hoping that my after school activities was over with by now. After what feel like an hour I left the bathroom and walked around the hall. While staring at the bark hall I saw a girl with black long hair running with her purse.

"Kyle!!! I got your emergency bag!" A voice that sounded like Nicole said
"Oh thanks God!" I ran towards her

She handed me the bag and asked me

"So when it happen?"
"A couple of hours ago.... I had to get paper towels and everything!" I cried
"Wow! Really... That mist be tuff... Well anyways good thing you called me because Natalie phone is off and she want pay for it to get firm on until tomorrow"
"That's shocking....well I'll see you in a sec OK"

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