28: Kiss Cam

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Kyle p.o.v.

In the middle of the game I heard someone yell "watch out" I was confuse because I didn't know what was happening... Until I looked up in the sky. A baseball heading straight towards me!

I didn't know how to ketch a baseball!! I barely know how to ketch any kind of ball! I screamed and closed my eyes hoping that the baseball won't hurt as much as I thought. But soon as I thought the baseball was going to hit me it hit someone instead.
I open my eyes and saw Josh holding the baseball in his right hand that was very close to my face. I look at him and saw a pain expression on his face. I can tell he wanted to scream out his pain and his heart out but for some reason he didn't do so.

"J...Josh?" I stuttered
"Yeah?" He turn toward me with an awkward smile
"Are you OK?"
"Yeah! I'm fine why you asked that?"
"Well....you did ketch that hard baseball with your bear hands and I'm pretty sure it hurts like hell"
"Its was that or let it hit your pretty fac---- I mean your average face" he lightly blushed
"Haha...." I awkwardly laughed
"But you should get some ice on that" I held his hand looking at the red on his paw
"No I'm good I'll be fine" he smiled awkwardly once again

How can this idiot say that!! He seriously need help right now... Wait why am I so concern bout this!! He's just a guy.... Who...don't understnd!! Ugh!!!!

I sigh at Josh idiot reaction and mumble

"Your such an idiot"

Me and Josh sated back in our seat all I was looking at was his hand how red it was. I wanna help him bit he want let me....ugh!! Why am I acting so strange today. I never use to be like this with all those other guys I broken.

I turn to the left looking away from Josh. When I did someone elbow hit my left eye which really hurted.

"Ouch!" I yelled
"Oh I'm so sorry ma'am are you alright! I didn't mean to hurt you" a young man apologize
"No! I'm not OK! My f***king eye hurt!" I hollered in his face

I got up from my seat and ran towards the closes bathroom. I looked at the mirror and try to look at my eye. It was all red!! Man that baster! How can I go back out there like this.

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