8: The Same Detention

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Josh p.o.v.

"That stupid gay teacher!!! O-oh he's so gonna pay!" Kyle said while looking so angry

We was in the office waiting for the principle. I heard that he was at an...important meeting. I hope we don't get expelled...or something like that

"His office is open.. You can now go in" the vice principal said while opening his door

Me and Kyle walked in the office room and sated in a black leather chair.

"So...miss brown..you once again got in trouble?!" The principal said taking out a folder with her name on it
"Yah...but it wasn't my fault this time!! I swear!" She stood up and yelled
"That what you said the last time miss brown now please sit!" he hollered while Kyle sit back down

"Now...Mr white.. You got caught in this too" he looked at me serious
"Yes sir but--"
"We don't allow buts in this school (buts XD I'm so childish!)"
"......" I didn't respond back
"Now.... Both of you have detention starting from now and until 7!" He looks serious
"Seven!!" We both jumped up out of our seat
"Ya if you don't like that then I'll arrange that to 8!" He stood up too pointing us out


The new principal was impossible! I just got detention for no reason!! Now I'm gonna be stuck in detention with him!

When we arrive at the detention room there was two long headed black hair girls when the turn around I notice who they was.

Josh p.o.v.

When we made it to the detention room there was two girls waving at Kyle. One smirking and the others smiling.

 One smirking and the others smiling

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