Spoby: Five years forward

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5 Years today, 5 Years today Toby and I went our separate ways it still brought tears to my eyes. I can't say I didn't miss him, I can't say I didn't miss him holding me in his arms. I've always loved and missed him calling me his Baby girl. Someone touches my hand taking me out of my thoughts about Toby I smile at my Boyfriend Thomas he was so sweet and kind. We've been together for 5 months and it's been amazing he's incredibly sweet treats me like every girl wants to be treated. "You okay Spencer?" He asks with concern I nod leaning over kissing his cheek "I'm fine Thomas" I lie I wasn't fine I was struggling more and more lately even after 5 years of Toby and I broke up I still needed him.


5 years today, Wow time goes fast I'd never moved on from Spencer I couldn't I'd dated one girl for a few months but I never really moved on. All I wanted to do was hold her in my arms and never let go I missed her more than words could describe. Caleb told me that she had moved back to Rosewood I was living in London.

So Clearly they're still thinking about each other all the time, And miss each other So much 😍

Thanks for reading Pm Me if you have any questions Thank you Xxx


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