"A little Cavanaugh and A little Hasting's"

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Toby was Okay, He's been in Hospital for a few days now I was walking into the hospital when I saw a familiar face "Thomas?" He turns around with a sweet smile "Spencer Hi, How are you?" He walks towards me He worked at the Hospital he has for a long time "I'm good, I'm here to see Toby" He nods taking off his glasses "I know I had a look at his shoulder this morning it'll be sore for a while but he'll be Okay" I grin picking up Alana he grins waving at her "Who's this Gorgeous little girl?" She giggles hiding in my neck while her cheeks become red "This is my Daughter Alana" He raises an eyebrow smiling "A little Cavanaugh and A little Hasting's, Well I've gotta go But it was nice to see you again Spencer" I smile waving goodbye "Nice to see you as well Thomas" We start to walk to Toby's room I open the door her was already dressed grabbing his bag "How are my girl's Doing?" He smirks I place Alana back on her flat feet kissing Toby deeply "God I missed that" I giggle helping him walk out we sign all the paper work before leaving.

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