"What am I supposed to do Em?"

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"What am I supposed to do Em? I've told her how I felt I've tried to convince her that I'll never leave her again. She wants to be with Thomas" Emily takes a sip of her beer looking at me with such confusion "I'm sorry Toby you did all you could but please don't leave now, If Thomas really did hit her who knows what he'll do to her in the future" I shake my head throwing my onto the pavement smashing it into 1000 pieces "God I could've killed the bastard for doing to her, I'm leaving Emily I'll say goodbye to her tomorrow and then I'm gone" She stands up shaking her head tears coming down her cheeks I cup her cheek standing up against her "I'll see you again, I've tried to win Spencer back and I couldn't do it she's moved on I should to" I kiss her cheek walking away leaving her standing there she turns around watching me leave

I'll miss you Emily

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