"Nothing will ever happen to me It'll be Okay"

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"I'll get it Spence, Stay In bed" I mutter kissing her shoulder she smiles falling back to sleep with in a second. I chuckle making my way into Alana's room "Come on Sweetie" I coo taking her out of her coat rubbing her back I sit in the chair rocking her back and forth. I put on the little night lamp considering it was early morning "You're such a beautiful little baby, You look just like You're mum" I murmur kissing her little head smiling she slowly falls back into a deep sleep "Goodnight Alana" I say before gently and very carefully placing her back in her coat. I slowly turn the lights off closing the door walking back into our room I slip into bed pulling the sheets over me Spencer clings to my side wrapping an arm around me I sling an arm over her waist kissing her passionately a small moan escapes her lips causing me to smirk "You were gone for too long Toby" I chuckle she turns around so her back was pressed against my chest "Go to sleep Baby girl"

1 Month later


Emily had called me through the day asking me if I could catch up with her for a couple hours. I hadn't seen any of the girls since Alana was born which was a month ago Emily walks over to the front door I open it for her with Alana on my hip "Hey Spence, Oh my god I forgot how cute she was!!" She screams in happiness I smile leaning down kissing my daughters cheek "Where's Toby?" She asks me "Work, Seem's to be working a lot lately almost like Job comes first"Emily frowns taking Alana in her arms staring at me intently "Spencer that's not true, He's probably just under a lot of Stress right now...You and Alana always come first to him" I sigh not wanting to continue this conversation

The next night:


Toby had finally come home, It was about 10:30 He told me he would be home at 9:00. He walks over to me while I was feeding Alana "Hey" He mumbles leaving a kiss on my forehead I smile sadly not meeting his eyes he smiles at Alana leaving the room having a shower. After putting Alana to bed I get changed into some tights and a small blue singlet letting my hair fall to the side. I lay down turning my phone off pulling the sheets over me turning The lights off seeing nothing but black. Toby finally walks in laying down next to me sighing he kisses my cheek falling to his side I knew he was under a lot of stress right now but come on...



"Is Everything Okay?"

"Where were you tonight?"

"Work, You know that I know I was a little late, Sorry the guys invited me out to have a beer"

"You could've called me, I was freaking out Toby" The light was now turned on I bolt right up crossing my arms over my chest "Freaking out? About what?" I laugh sarcastically getting out of bed walking towards him our eyes locking "Don't you get it?! I need to know where you are Toby. Okay and it's not just me anymore you have a daughter!! You're a cop Toby one of the most dangerous kinds of Jobs" His eyes soften he pulls me to him wrapping an arm around my waist "I'm sorry I'll make sure I always call if i'm going to be late, I do get where your coming from Baby I do. Nothing will ever happen to me, It'll be Okay" Sobs wrack through my body his grip on my waist tightening "I-I can't loose you Toby...I'm nothing without you" I rise my head from his Chest our eyes locking he had tears streaming down his cheeks I cry harder I hated it when Toby cried. "You won't loose me Spencer" I shake my head wiping his tears away as he did mine "You don't know that for sure" I say finding my voice after I stopped sobbing "I love you" He cries kissing me sensually our tongues swerving past each other he grips my thighs carrying me back on to the bed hovering over me still crying he grips my singlet bringing it closer to him the tears staining my singlet. I smash my lips against his both our tears falling on to the sheets I wrap my arms around his neck bringing us chest to chest "I love you so much" I mutter as he kisses up and down my neck he looks into my eyes smiling sadly "I love you more" He falls to his side pulling me closer to him turning of the lights before getting back into the bed wrapping his arms around me facing each other I kiss him one more time before falling into a deep sleep tears still sliding down my cheeks.

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