"Merry Christmas Toby"

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Christmas Day-


It was around 8:30 On Christmas night, Alana had fallen fast asleep We'd had Christmas here this year Everyone came here, Friends, Family. I was sitting out on the balcony when Spencer slides the door open only wearing a black lace dress that fit her perfectly with no straps. She sits down on my lap kissing me softly "Merry Christmas Toby" She smiles I smile back wrapping an arm around her waist "Merry Christmas Spencer" She turns around still sitting on my lap looking at the house's flickering with Christmas lights. "It's so beautiful" She says breathless smiling I nod kissing her shoulder "Yes Baby, Yes it is"

I had 2 weeks of for the Christmas holidays and now it was back to work, I walk in noticing Tanner smiling at me I return with one of my own walking over to my desk. My shift hadn't actually started yet I quickly take out my phone texting Spencer:

Me: Hey Gorgeous Girl, You okay?

Spencer: Yes, Toby come on this is the 5th time you've asked me this Today

Me: I'm sorry I know, I'll be probably be late tonight we've got a job to do

Spencer: Be safe Toby, I mean it

Me: I Promise I'll be safe, I love you Baby girl

Spencer: I love you more xx

I lock my phone shoving it back in my pocket Tanner calls me over walking into an interviewing room with me "This Job Today...We've been after this drug dealers for months I need to know that I can count on you and you'll be 100 Percent focused" I nod crossing my arms over my chest "Tanner I can assure you I'm on my game Today I'm ready" She smiles walking out of the room I shut the door listening to my orders


"He's going to be fine" I say out loud clenching my phone tighter to my chest, I hadn't heard from Toby all day he was doing a really important job today. Alana was already asleep but I couldn't sleep if I tried, I feel someone kiss my cheek I spin around unbelievably happy "You're home!" I yell happily throwing my arms around his neck kissing me sensually my tongue searching his mouth in Raw pleasure. He pulls away his hands resting on my hips "I told you I'd come home" He mumbles kissing my cheek before taking off his shirt leaving him in his jeans and nothing else.

He came home to me...He'd Always come home to me...

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