"Leave me alone Toby just leave alone"

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I wrap my arms around her leaving small kisses on her neck down to her collar bone a moan escapes her lips. My hands roam her back her hands search my chest placing small kisses on my chest I groan she rests a finger on my bottom lip "We need to stop...I have to take a shower" I nod she walks into the bathroom giggling I kiss her cheek before lying back on the bed her phone starts ringing I decide to ignore it then I see Spencer's mum's I'd. I answer it because it could of been about Peter

"Hey Veronica"

"Hi Toby is Spencer there?"

"No she's actually in the shower, Can I take a message?"

"It's About Peter"

"Veronica is everything okay?"

"No it's not the doctor's made a mistake"

"What kind of Mistake?" Okay now I was panicking

"They don't think Peter will make it through the week...There suggesting we all say our goodbyes"

"And you want Spencer and I to come home?"

"Yes, I'm so sorry I know you've only been there for a few days but this is Important"

"No Veronica don't apologise we'll be home by tomorrow"

"Thanks for understanding Toby"

"Goodbye Veronica"

"Bye Toby"


After Toby told me that Toby and I had to go home, "I can't believe it They told us that he had 3 months they made me think there's hope...Guess I was right...Hope breeds eternal misery" Toby reaches out to comfort me but I push him away packing my bag "Leave me alone Toby just leave alone" I didn't want to talk My dad had one week left to live I couldn't talk to anyone right now

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