"I love you both"

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4 Months later-
I was lying on the floor with a very happy Alana on my stomach making adorable sounds while I poked her little belly. Her hair had started to grow it was Spencer's exact colour and she had my eye colour. We'd finally moved to London after planning it for months Spencer and I couldn't of been happier. She walks into the living room looking as beautiful as ever a tight white dress with a black jacket that went past her breasts. Her hair was straightened and tied up in a high Bun she looked amazing she was in Court today she was an amazing lawyer. She smirks at me checking out she bends down cupping my cheek kissing me roughly pulling away despite my intentions. She kisses Alana on the temple playing with her little fingers Alana laughs smiling "I'm gonna be late, I love you both" She kisses my head before bending down putting on her heels I squeeze her butt roughly she gasps glaring at me. I shrug innocently she giggles waving goodbye before walking out the front door Alana starts to mumble things that don't make sense but It was cute "Well...Now you're stuck with me all day aren't you lucky?" She giggles placing a small hand on my cheek I kiss it before getting out her baby food. While I'm feeding Alana Hanna walks in I'm shocked by her just walking in but am okay with it. Hanna and Caleb, Ezra and Aria, Emily and Alison were all down here for the week. "Hanna is everything Okay?" I ask nervously she shakes her head bursting into tears While Alana was sitting in her high chair staring into Space I take Hanna's hand. "Where's Caleb? what's wrong Hanna?" She takes a deep breath "Ever since I lost our kid He's been distant from me, I tried to ask him if he was angry, He told me he wasn't and that he didn't blame me for the death" I nod for her to continue "He told me that after we lost the baby he didn't feel the same way, He told me he needed time...Then he packed his bags and left" I take a deep breath, Hanna and Caleb had been through so much I understand that he was hurting but he couldn't let her go. They could grieve together like Spencer and I did after Peter passed away I stand up wiping Alana's cheeks taking her out of her high chair placing her in Hanna's arms "I'm going to find Caleb, Stay here" I say grabbing my Keys and Wallet walking out to my car texting Spencer while walking towards it

Me: I'll explain everything later but: I'm going to find Caleb Hanna is staying with Alana

Spencer: Okay Xx

I start the engine calling Caleb's phone repeatedly after calling 5 times already he finally answers "Toby! What the hell do you want?" He asks in a harsh angry tone "Tell me where the hell you are, Hanna just came to my house crying because her husband left her!!" I hear him sighing before replying "I didn't leave her, I just wanted to be on my own for a while I'm staying with some family. Hanna and I aren't over I'd never leave her" I smile pulling over "Look I know you and Hanna are hurting after loosing the Baby when she started bleeding, But look you and Hanna can grieve together, You're both hurting" I hear him laugh on the other end of the phone "Thanks Toby, Tell Hanna to go back to the Hotel I'm coming back" I sigh relieved "I will" I hang up driving back home eager to tell Hanna about everything. I finally arrive home Running in to the house but she was already on the phone "I love you too Caleb" She smiles ending the call laying Alana on the lounge running into my arms hugging the life out of me "Thank you" I nod walking over taking Alana upstairs to put her asleep she calls out goodbye before leaving.


Alana was still asleep, She'd woken up twice other than that she was a angel. After I'd finished cooking the dinner and placing it on the table the door swings open Spencer walks in looking unbelievably tired. I walk towards her she opens her arms wrapping them around me in my embrace I kiss her head "Long day Babe? How'd the case go?" She smirks lifting her head from my shoulder our eyes locking "I won" I congratulate her while we start to eat our dinner I tell her everything that had happened today with Hanna and Caleb. Then we talk about When Hanna lost the baby last year after she bled out...Caleb found her bleeding. After cleaning up we both slowly walk upstairs exhausted we run through a shower together before collapsing on the bed. I wrap an arm around her laying on my side I kiss her head before drifting off to sleep.

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