"Don't go to London stay with me"

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I race into my car driving to the Airport where I knew Toby would be or be heading there. I quickly ring Thomas needing this to be over

"Hey Spencer"

"Listen Thomas you and me it's not working"

"Baby I know I've made some mistakes along the way but please try and see where I'm coming from here"

"Look you're an amazing guy, Go and live your life see the world"

"Is this really what you want?"

"Yes Thomas it is"

"Okay...But Spencer please know that when I hit you those times...That wasn't me...I'm so very sorry"

"I know you are Thomas and I really do care about you, Keep in Touch"

"Same to you goodbye Spencer"

"Bye Thomas" I hang up getting out of the car running into the Air port Toby's plane was leaving in Half an hour. And I'd left my phone in my car so I couldn't call him. I didn't care what I had to do, I didn't care how long it would take me...I'd find him

Half an hour later


They'd announced that we could board the plane I glance over my shoulder not seeing anyone I recognised I walk towards the exit to board the plane when I hear a familiar voice yelling my name I turn around watching Spencer running towards me screaming my name "Spencer?!" I drop my bag running towards her she jumps into my arms kissing me deeply my hands run down her back as her's run through my hair. We both pull away I kept my arms wrapped around her waist she smiles pecking my lips once more "I didn't think I'd ever see you again" I say breathlessly resting our foreheads together she smiles leaning in closer if that was even possible "I love you Toby always have always will" I smile pulling back a little to look into her eyes

"What about Thomas?"

"We broke up, He was upset but didn't pressure me into staying with him and he apologised for hitting me when he did" I nod feeling relived that he apologised for hitting her when he did

"Don't go to London stay with me" She whispers wrapping her arms around my neck I smile kissing her sweet lips gently "I'm never leaving you again"



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