"I promise I'll look after your daughter"

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I wake up in the night feeling someone tugging on my shoulder I sit up gasping the lights turn on "Spencer Honey it's me" I smile realising it was just mum "How's dad?" I ask not feeling hopeful she shakes her head looking at the floor I start to sob shaking my head "Come here" Mum hold's her arms open I wrap my arms around her crying into her shoulder "Your dad loves you Honey, He's so proud of you"


Peter had called me through the day wanting to talk he had about 3 months to live so I suppose he was just trying to make every moment count. I take a deep beets turning the door knob walking in he was having breakfast "Toby, Thanks for coming" I nod walking over to him pulling out a chair "Toby, You and my Daughter have gone through a lot there's no doubt about that" I nod agreeing "I know you love her very much and I know that you and her want to start a family Veronica told me. But I only ask one thing of you" I take a deep breath keeping myself calm He lets out a sigh rubbing his forehead "Take care of her and once you guys start a family of your own get them the hell out of Rosewood This town never did you guys much good don't let the same happen to I your child. So please give your child a different future" I nod shaking his hand "I promise I'll look after your daughter, Peter can I ask you something?" He smiles nodding while finishing his breakfast "I'm asking for your blessing...To marry your daughter. I almost lost her when she was with Thomas I want to make the best of my life with her," He nods staring at the ground in thought before he looks up in my eyes "Yes, Yes You have my blessing to marry my daughter" I smile shaking his hand incredibly grateful to him "Thank you Peter" He grins but holds up a finger "On one condition?" I nod "I get to walk my daughter down the aisle"

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