I'd give up anything for Spencer

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"Oh..." Toby 's cheek start to go red after he realised what I'd planned for his birthday a night away from everything that was going on. I smile taking his hand in mine "See You aren't the only sneaky one around here" I fall back on the bed he smirks towering over me in delight. His lips claim mine while my hands roam his body in pleasure "I Love you Spencer" I giggle "Shut up and kiss me" I say he smirks kissing me hard


We were eating dinner in the restaurant when I grab Spencer's hand "I want to talk to you about something" She nods smiling at me I smile back "Do you want me to leave the force? I'll start my carpeting job again?" She slowly nods moving her chair sitting closer to me "I know you became a police officer to protect me, But it's only causing more pain" I nod understanding completely I kiss her cheek "Thank you Toby" She whispers I smile kissing her forehead we pay the bill walking back to our room.

I'd give up my Job, I'd give up Anything for Spencer if it meant she was happy

And she was...That's all I've ever wanted for my baby girl

Spoby:5 Years forward(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now