"Fight this Spencer"

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Spencer had lost all hope, Even though we all knew what Spencer said about hope I still refused to believe he was gone...For Spencer's sake. "Come on Spencer they'll find him" I place my phone and bag on the bench she stares at me blankly tears streaming down her cheeks leaving marks on her shirt "It's been a week Aria, I can't do this...What if they never find him? It's no that uncommon to never find them" Her voice was so low I could barely understand her.

She was a lawyer she knew all about these  kinds of situations didn't mean she had to loose hope like she was "Fight this Spencer, We both know Toby wouldn't want you too loose hope" She sighs taking Alana in her arms "I'm sorry Aria, I'm just scared and stressed I'll talk to you tomorrow" I kiss her cheek before leaving

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