"Smiling down at You"

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I run outside not wanting Alana to see me like this, I couldn't believe it...Today was dad's birthday. It felt like only yesterday when he died I can't stop thinking about it...This pain I need it to go...I can't do it anymore...

"SPENCER!" I hear Toby yell I turn my head looking at Toby running over to me in worry he sits down behind me wrapping his arms around me bringing me into a backwards hug "Today's Dad's birthday...He should be here" I cry into his shoulder he wraps his arms around me tighter kissing my head "I'm sorry Baby, He wouldn't want you to be crying he'd be wanting you to enjoy today. Where was one of your favourite places you used to go with your dad? Here in London of course" I smile kissing his cheek I knew just the place


"Wow Spencer this is amazing" I say holding Alana while she slept She leans against the railing's her hands dangling over it "Dad brought me here the first time I came to London, that was when I was 10. This is also the spot where he proposed to my mum" I smile this was a really important and happy memory for Spencer. I wrap an arm around her waist "Well I'm sure your dad would be smiling down at you today" She grins kissing my cheek "Thank you, For encouraging me to come here I haven't come to this spot since I was 10" I chuckle kissing her deeply

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