"We're a team"

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Spencer had said goodbye to her Dad, We all did...He most likely won't make it through the night. Spencer Hasn't slept in the same bed with me since we got back from Fiji, She leaves before I wake up goes to bed before I get home. She sits down on the lounge next to me sighing "Spencer..." I cry out she notices me crying the guilt and pain in her eyes is noticeable "We're married, We're a team I promised you Always you pushed me away. You're hurting I understand but how do I know that you won't push me away every time you're hurting?" She shakes her head taking my hand in her's "T-Toby I'm sorry please Baby" I look her directly in the eye "You're hurting, We're all hurting I love your dad like he's my dad. But you can't just push me away every time you're hurting I'm sorry Spencer I need time" I brush her hand off mine walking away from her

Spoby:5 Years forward(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now