They're Here

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Picture of Ivan on the side>>>>>>>>>>>>

I woke up to a soft thump sound in the living room, I sat up and ran into Erik’s room, he was still fast asleep, and I should be too since it’s only five in the morning but went downstairs slowly to see the intruder. A blur went into the kitchen I followed it and tackled it down, the light switch flipped on and I saw a chagrined Ivan under me and a smirking Alessandro leaning against the wall.

“You gotten faster sister” Ivan said sitting up as I got up off of him.

“Have to be, so I can be one step ahead of you guys” I said grabbing a bottle of blood from the fridge, I offered one to Ivan and Alessandro before sitting down at the kitchen table.

“So did you two just get here?” I asked them as they moved to sit at the table with me.

“Heard some noise, is everything okay? Ivan, Alessandro?” Erik said as he rushed into the kitchen with only a pair of pajama pants on.

“Nothing, just trying to prank Ange, it didn’t turn out so well” Alessandro said before taking a big gulp of blood.

“Dude, you guys should know better by now, Ange doesn’t get scared let alone pranked so easily” Erik said shaking his head as he grabbed himself a bottle of blood.

“We know, doesn’t mean we’ll stop trying. Someday we will be able to successfully prank Ange, no matter what it takes” Ivan said glaring at me playfully.

“So what’s there to do in this ranky-dank town, didn’t look like much as he drove through around town?” Alessandro said as he drank the last sip of his bottle.

:No much like you said, but apparently they still do Founders Day Parties, and Lazarus told me we have to be extra careful in this town. They still have their knowledgeable council members” I said to them before recycling my bottle, after rinsing it out.

“But there is the Grill, Mystic Grill, its like a bar and restaurant mixed together. They have pool tables, alcohol and it where the kids our “age” hang out” Erik said as he sat back down at the table.

“By the way, some of the people involved with Klaus and his ritual and stuff, still go to high school. So I’m having Thantos enroll, Alessandro and Lazarus in school. We agreed that Demitri doesn’t have to since he is technically nineteen years old” I said to them ignoring the look of relief on Ivan’s face and the glare of hate from Alessandro.

“Damn it, its not my fault I was only seventeen when we were gifted, I hate having to go to school. Its sucks, its boring, and we loved through most of it” Alessandro complained as he noticed we weren’t going to budge about this.

“Suck it up man, its just for however long we’re going to be here, that and we need you guys to be there to keep an eye on them. Listen in, befriend them if you have too, spy on them basically for us since we don’t look like high school students” Erik said trying to convince Alessandro to be okay with it.

“Besides, we are planning on getting jobs, the more information we gather the better, I was thinking or having Erik join the police force here, I was going to fill in the position of teacher and Thantos of p.e. teacher/football coach, and Demitri is going to be doing research. I want to know whose on the council and is aware of our kind, I want to know who is involved and aware of the hybrids and Klaus, as well as where they live. I want background searches on the Gilberts and the Salvatore brothers, where they all live and deaths of those in town. We all have our roll to play, your’s just happens to be that of a high school student” I said letting them know of my plan.

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