Family Reunited

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Pic of Alessandro on the side>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I woke up to the smell of bacon permeating the air as I lay in bed, contemplating getting up or laying in bed for a while longer. I glanced at my clock and decided to wake up since it was ten minutes past ten o’ clock. I groaned slightly while stretching in bed before sitting up and climbing out of bed.

I went straight to the bathroom and took a quick cold shower trying to wake up in the process and made sure to shave my legs and stuff before turning off the water and wrapping myself up in a towel. I brushed my teeth and used air to blow dry my hair in less then five seconds and decided to let it fall down mid back in waves. I left my bathroom and opened my double closet doors for my walk in closet and decided on a lazy day, I dried off and placed my hair in a messy bun. I slid on a blue green tank top and a off the shoulder orangey shirt with a pair of my tight sweats I use for yoga. I slipped on some slippers and left my room heading for the kitchen.

I found all of my brothers in the kitchen talking as they watched Erik and Demetri cook breakfast, it looked like bacon, scrambled eggs and pancakes. I said good morning before grabbing some orange juice and poured in a quarter of a blood bag before doing the same to my brothers juices. I handed them out and nodded to my brothers grateful looks.

“Smells great, I’m starving” I said to Erik and Demetri giving them a peck on the cheek as thinks before sneaking a piece of bacon from the plate, I ate half and gave the other half to Ivan, whom gobbled it up with a wink.

Rolling my eyes I sat down in between Ivan and Alessandro and brought my phone and started texting Thantos and Lazarus to find out where they were. I also texted Vasilisa and she told me she would be here by Friday morning, perfect she could help me get ready for my get-to-know-you date with Matt.

The food was finished less than five minutes later and I was grateful for it being finished quickly, I served myself quickly before my brothers could get it all, my plate filled with two pancakes, four pieces of bacon and a scoop of scrambled eggs. I ate my food and got up for the syrup which the guys forgot to get, and filled up my cup with orange juice minus the blood.

We ate like a family asking each other questions on what we did while separated. “So, sis where were you since five or something years ago when we last saw you?” Demetri asked.

“Miami, Florida I spent most of the time soaking up in the sun. It was hot there but the view was great and I’m not talking about just the beaches” I said laughing at my brothers disgusted and protective faces at my insinuation. I don’t know why, its not like I’m a virgin, haven’t been for over a millennium now.

“Ugh, we could do without the hint sis” Erik said scrunching up his face. “What else did you do?” he asked changing the subject.

“Not much, I was feeling lazy, but I did switch up the hotels every now and then. Oh, I also went to Disney in Orlando, I took a bunch of pictures if you want to see, but other then that nothing much” I said shrugging, there isn’t much to do when you’ve done it all.

“Nice, I was in Paris when Lazarus found me. I have my vineyard still running, I was there making sure everything was going great, business was good and my land was plentiful. My wines are still some of the most sought after, I even started making my own line of blood laced wine for those of sophisticated taste” Erik said lounging in a recliner as we moved to the lounge to talk more.

“Meaning undead, really? Blood laced wine? I like it, would humans be able to tell it has blood mixed in?” Ivan said leaning forward.

“Nope, the fruits I use are to potent that it over powers the scent of blood, only a vampire can smell it in the wine. Besides I have some health inspectors on my payroll so even if the humans were to find out they would be taken care of. The humans working for my are all under compulsion so they can’t turn against me or tell anyone about the blood in the wine” Erik said shrugging.

“Nice, sadly my time wasn’t as fruitful as yours brother. I went to my country home in Spain and brought some company with me, if you know what I mean” Alessandro said wiggling his eyebrows.

“How many this time?” I asked rolling my eyes. Alessandro has always been a ladies man, but then again so have all of my brothers but Alex was a real manwhore. He slept with tons of women, he sometimes keeps them alive depending how much of a good time they gave him but most of the time he kills them. Something he’s gotten good at his disposing of the body, he had to threaten him with a killing limit because we didn’t want the Gods to regret gifting him. So far they haven’t, then again compared to other vampires my brothers is mild when it comes to how many he killed.

“Only four, I got a pair of twins, blondes. Lets just say they got to live” Alex said smirking as he high-fived Ivan who smirked while saying nice.

“Pigs, but then again I can’t complain I had two men in my bed for a week before Lazarus came and interrupted. Sadly I had to dispose of them, I couldn’t control my hunger around them and snapped during sex” I said shrugging enjoying the disgusted and protective faces my brothers were making.

I feel the wind shift and flip backwards and kick out just in time as Lazarus flies past where I had been his hands outstretched as if he was planning on tackling me. I dodge left then right as Thantos tries his hand at tackling me as well, I flip him onto his back and sit on him before running up and slamming Lazarus into the wall snarling at him loudly, my face completely vamped out before letting it go back to normal then smirked.

“Well, well, well, looks like the whole family is here. Just in time too, we were just sharing what we had been up to since our last reunion” I said letting him go and moving to sit back down on my recliner.

“Sheesh, I forgot how good your senses were, I need to work on that. I’m losing my touch” Thantos said smirking at me, pecking me on the cheek before hugging the others and sitting down on the couch next to Demetri.

“Well, since its story time. Lets just say I fucked a lot of girls, and I loved it! I spent most of my time in Vegas, baby!” Lazarus said smirking as he high-fived the guys and messing up my hair before sitting on the floor, leaning back to lean against my legs.

I played with his hair as Thantos and Demetri told us what they had been doing, turns out Demetri was having a semi-serious relationship with a college professor at Duke, he was there visiting the campus and ended up dating her for a while. Thantos ended up opening up his own restaurant in New York and it was widely famous now, celebrities call in and make reservations on weekends, and his restaurant is packed all the time. He even started dating a model for a while before they broke it off, dating four years is the limit for Thantos, never longer sometimes less.

As we laughed at the funny stories we told each other, I couldn’t hide my smile. I missed times like these, like my brothers I am very protective when it comes to family and friends. Sadly I outlive human friends, I stopped befriending them and moved on to vampires and witches, I even have alliances with a couple packs of werewolves from around the world.

Family is the one thing I know I will always have with me, no matter how much time passes.

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