Unexpected Visit

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Picture of Lazarus up top ^^^^^

Having heard a rustling sound from the kitchen of my suite, my eyes snapped open as I sat up quickly making absolutely no noise. I took notice of the time, and found out it was only eight in the morning. I narrowed my eyes and stood up quickly grabbing a letter opener from the bedside table before silently making my way into the hallway. I heard some more rustling, and took in a deep breath.

Sighing quietly I rolled my eyes I lunged out my spot in the hallway and tackled down the person quickly stabbing them in the stomach. "Lazarus, what on Earth are you doing in my suite, uninvited, you should have told me you were coming" I hissed at him a crouched over him smiling when I heard him grunt in pain from being stabbed in the stomach.

"Love you to sis, how are you? By the way I go by, Liam nowadays" he said pushing me off to the side as he yanked out the letter opener before watching as his wound quickly closed up. Rolling my eyes I stood up and helped him up before pouring us both a glass of blood. I watched him carefully, noticing the changes he made to his appearance since I last saw him.

"Your hair is shorter, I like it. So, what are you doing here then? We aren't due for another family reunion for another four years" I asked him as I slowly sip the blood in my glass.

"Well, you know how we talked about revealing ourselves to the Mikealson family, letting them know about our existence. Well I did some research, and we obviously know the sun and moon curse isn't real, it turns out there is another doppelganger living in Mystic Falls" he said leaning forward after getting up to refill his glass with blood and wine mixed in together.

"We all knew Katherine had a daughter, I never suspected another doppelganger would show up this soon though, Interesting, so, why are you telling me all of this?" I asked him before standing up to grab a glass of bourbon before sitting down. Something tells me I was going to need this drink with what my brother is going to tell me.

"Klaus found out, he's in Mystic Falls, and reunited his family. He's going to break the spell binding his hybrid side and -"

"I know, it was one of our ancestors that put the curse on him remember, but he won't be able to make any hybrids because he needs the doppelgangers blood to complete their transformation or they'll die, but he'll have already killed her for the sacrifice. Cousin Viktoria was very cunning and sneaky, I know when I visited her in her death bed she had a reason for making this items necessary for the sacrifice. She told me and I had to give it to her, she was smart. Now as much as I love hearing about the happy messed up psychopathic family getting back together, I don't really care" I said getting up and leaving my glass in the sink before moving to leave the room.

"But I haven't even told you the interesting part yet, Katherine's back and so is Esther" he said smirking when I he saw me pause on my way out.

"Now that is interesting" I said before moving to sit back down in front of my brother. Now I know your wondering, what's with the interest in Katherine and Esther. Katherine killed one of the few people I had actually turned, killing him after playing with his heart and making him fall in love with her. Esther, well lets just say the Gods want her punished and tortured for the crime against nature she had committed.

"So, are you interested. I was thinking of moving to Mystic Falls to get a front row seat of the action before interfering. What do you say, have the family reunion a little earlier then planned and wreck some havoc on all they knew to be real, and knocking them down a peg or two" he said standing up with his hand held out for me to take.

I thought long and hard, the Mikealson children have wrecked havoc in the world. Striking fear into everything supernatural and abusing this power because they were stronger, faster, psh originals my ass. Its about time the supernatural world knew about us, and what better way then to do it while killing two birds with one stone, ill be able to get rid of Esther and Katherine.

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