Matt meets Lisa

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I was reminded of my date with Matt when I saw him eating lunch with his friends at school as we were walking back to the cars. Lisa was getting hungry so we were going to the grill.

“Why didn’t you tell me you have a date?” Lisa said sliding over to sit next to me when the boys all left to the bar for some guy talk while we waited for the food.

“They told you didn’t they, I was going to tell you so you could help me pick clothes but looks like my brother’s beat me to it” I said chuckling while shaking me head. Lisa proceeded to ask any and every question possible wanting to know who he was, how it happened, if I liked him truly, and what I was planning on wearing.

“I don’t know, I forgot to ask if he wanted me to dress up casual or dressy, but I’m guessing casual since there isn’t much to do in Mystic Falls?” I said phrasing it as a question since even I myself don’t know what Mystic Falls has all to offer having only been here at least a week.

“Then we’ll have to ask him, is he here? You said he works here right?” she said looking around pointing out every guy she thinks is cute wondering if that was Matt.

“You don’t even know what he looks like so why are you searching for him, besides he just walked in with his friends so…” I said shrugging before pointing Matt out to her.

Before I could react Lisa was on her feet heading for their table, “Hi, I’m Lisa, are you Matt?” she said grabbing a chair from another table and pulling it to theirs.

“Um, yeah why? Do I know you?” he asked confused.

“No, but you know my sister Angela. She told me about your date later on today and I plan on helping her get ready. But she has absolutely no clue as to where your going for your date so I have no clue as to how to dress her. So I was wondering if you could tell me if she should go with casual and comfortable or casual yet dressy?” Lisa said sitting forward eager for his answer.

“Um…I’m guessing casual yet dress but comfortable shoes. I’m taking her to a restaurant then for a walk afterwards maybe some ice cream along the way” Matt said nervously.

“Hmm…okay, I think I have the perfect outfit for her to wear. Thanks Matt! Oh, and you seem like a nice guy so me and my six brothers do hope you treat my sister nicely or else I’m afraid my brothers might come and kick your ass” Lisa said hiding a smug smile as Matt swallowed nervously.

I got up quickly before she could threaten him more and made my way to their table. “Lisa! What are you doing to Matt, geez your as bad as our brothers. I haven’t gone on the date with the guy yet!” I said pulling her out of the seat.

“Just making sure” Lisa said winking at me behind Matt’s back before walking back to our table wear the guys sat chuckling before giving her a high five.

“God, I’m so sorry about her, she can get protective real quick. I try to prevent them from doing this to all my dates, but sometimes they sneak past without my knowledge” I said wringing my hands acting as a nervous - normal - girl.

“No, its okay. I totally understand, brothers get protective” Matt said quickly standing up to lay a hand on my own hands stopping them from wringing themselves. I felt reassured again so I said bye to him and his friends before heading back to my own table.

I let my anger get the best of me and boiled the sodas of my still chuckling “siblings” just as they took a sip making them spit it out and fan their mouths.

I took my seat and took a sip of my drink, ignoring the glares from my brothers and Lisa as they left to get another drink before spilling their out in a plant when no one was looking. Chuckling I looked up in time for me to see Elena and her Salvatore’s leave the grill. Standing up I nodded to the exit and left the grill with them behind me after paying for our drinks. We ran into the forest and followed their car as they drove to what looked like an old style boarding house.

I went to an upstairs window that was open and sat on the window seal relaxed as I listened in on their conversation. My brothers sat on the tree branches of some trees near me as they too listened in.

Elena POV

“I talked to Matt, he thinks its safe to date Angela because Klaus would have no reason to go after her, she has no connection to me or something like that. But what if I befriend her because she’s dating Matt and Klaus finds out, he could use her then” I said worried as I paced the length of the couch Stefan was sitting on. Damon was leaning against the wall with a glass of whiskey in one hand.

“Or maybe he thinks your jealous, you did date Matt you know” Damon said smirking at me.

“No, I don’t have feelings like that for Matt, if I did I wouldn’t have been the one to call off our relationship before junior year started. Besides he dated Caroline earlier this year, I think its fair to say our feelings don’t stray from that of friends” I said to him glaring before sitting down next to Stefan.

Sensing my worry Stefan rubbed his hand on my back soothingly, “It’ll be fine, Matt can date her as long as he’s aware of the dangers. Besides we can always keep an eye on her for him too, help protect her if he’s serious about her” Stefan said to me.

“Your right, I just worry you know. All of this everything happening, losing Jenna, Esther being back and trying to reconnect her family - which is no help at all - and Jeremy being in the middle of this all along with my friends. I just - I just don’t know what to do anymore if I lose somebody else close to me, I don’t think I live with that” I said to them, my eyes watering as I remember the way I lost Jenna to Klaus.

“Hey, its okay. Badass vampires here to protect and serve, well one badass vampire and a bunny eater with some strength” Damon said sneering at Stefan.

“Damon, Stefan is just as strong with having to kill anyone like you do. Besides we also have Caroline, Bonnie and Alaric, although I would rather they weren’t involved” I said whispering at the end.

“You know that won’t happen, they’re your friends Elena, they won’t leave you” Stefan said.

“Fine your right, I have to go. I promised Alaric and Jeremy I would cook them a homemade meal for dinner. And I still have to stop the store” I said to him standing up kissing Stefan and nodding to Damon before leaving their house and into my car.

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