My Twin Brother, Erik

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Picture of Erik on the side>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I sighed to myself as I stood on the porch as the realtor left in her car, the signed papers in a folder in my hand as I watched the sunlight spill out from in-between the trees. My phone began to vibrate as I walked inside of the house, I was about to start dusting. I answered the phone after a quick glance at the caller Id.

“Angelina, has Lazarus come to visit you suddenly?” my twin brother, Erik asked me.

“Yes, has he come in contact with you yet?” I asked him.

“Yes, he just left, he using locator spells to find the rest of our siblings. What is your take on everything?” he asked me, I could tell by his tone he was either pacing, frowning or doing both.

“I don’t know what to think, but I do know that I will stay and observe. I will not interfere unless necessary, but I do know that Esther and Katherine are here. We have to take care of them now, this our chance. The Gods want Esther to pay and suffer for the crime she committed against nature” I told him as I manipulated air to carry all unwanted dust and cobwebs out of the house, I manipulated water to clean the tiled floors of the three story mansion.

“I know, are you there yet?” he asked me.

“Yes, I’m renovating the abandoned mansion hidden deep within the woods I had just bought, I got here early today. When can I expect you here?” I asked him, knowing my brothers will come because our Gods will it.

“In two days, I have some business to take care of first before I can make the trip, have my room ready for me sis?” he asked me.

“Of course, classic black and white?” I asked him.

“No this time I want a black and royal blue theme for my room” he said.

I made note of it and said goodbye before I continued to dust and clean using air and water in every room of the house. I was confident that there was not even one speck of dust anywhere in the house before going outside and having Earth take care of itself, immediately the weeds disappeared into the Earth and bushes of different flowers decorated the front porch of the house.

I decided to go out and buy the paint I would need for the outside of the house. I went to the hardware store in town, and bought the shade of brown I wanted for the house, and bought a burgundy color for the dining room and the living room, the kitchen will be a chocolate brown colors, and I went to Home Depot just outside of the town and had gave them the address so they could come and install to kitchen appliances I just bought and the granite counters I wanted for the kitchen.

I also bought a dryer and washer in black, so those will be installed soon too. I decided to head out of town and feed, I found some homeless guy I fed off him and compelled him to forget and slipped him a couple hundred dollars. I found a bumping club and went into a random apartment and found a sexy black dress in my size, as well as a pair of black heels. I slipped on the clothes and ditched my outfit before grabbing a black clutch and slipped in my phone, money, lip-gloss, and four condoms. You can never be too safe, besides I planned on getting laid tonight.

[Outfit in the External Link]

I walked right up to the bouncer guarding the entrance, ignoring the wails rising from the people waiting in line. I eyed him and he moved the rope and let me enter, nice, I didn’t even have to use compulsion to get in. I gazed around and bobbed my head to the David Guetta song blaring in the speakers, as everybody on the dance floor danced and grind on each other.

I went straight to the bar and started dancing in my spot as ‘Drinking from the bottle’ by Calvin Harris ft Tinie Tempah started playing. I grabbed my rum and coke and drank it like nothing since its harder for my kind to get drunk. I order another one when I finished it and grabbed it before leaving the bar to find my next victim.

Luckily it wasn’t that hard to find, I found him drinking with his pals scoping out the ladies. He had gorgeous green eyes and light brown hair that flopped over his eyes in a way that made me want to move his hair back. I smiled and left me drink on a random table before smoothing down my black dress, I walked by their table and looked back to find his eyes on me, I winked at him and started dancing with the crowd.

Not even five seconds later he was behind me with his hands of my hips as we danced together to some song I never heard of. ‘Tonight’ by Jessica Sanchez ft Neyo began to play and I turned around and started getting into the music, I ground my pelvis against his as he groaned before leaning down to kiss and nibble on my bare shoulder. I threw my head back as he moved up my neck and jaw before kissing me long and hard. I ran my hands threw his hair holding him closer.

He pulled away and took me to a secluded room, with a table and some supplies, looked like a closet. I arched my eyebrow before pulling him closer, our lips meeting, our tongues battling for dominance over the other, in the end I conceded and let him take over. His hand roamed my body as he unzipped my dress. More and more clothes were pulled off until we were naked and writhing as we reached our high together.

I slipped him my number after I got my clothes back on and danced with him some more before grabbing my small carrying perfume and sprayed myself so I wouldn’t have the smell of sex clinging to me. He disposed on the condom before grabbing my hand and leading me out of the closet, we went back to the dance floor and I purposefully lost him in the crowd. I left the club feeling satisfied with my hunger and physically.

I drove back to the house, and changed into some sweats and one of my brothers old shirts, tied my hair up into a ponytail and started to paint the outside of the house, the living room, dining room, and the kitchen. I followed the theme my brother wanted for his room and painted the walls royal blue and bought black furniture. I did a lavender and dark purple theme for my room and painted the rooms of my brothers with their favorite colors.

Green for Thantos, Red for Demitri, Black and grey for Lazarus, burgundy for Ivan, and Light blue for Alessandro, as you can see I grew up in a male dominant family. Especially after mama and papa died, it was always me and my six brothers, although I was always closest to my twin, Erik. Thantos is my eldest brother and he at first did not approve of us going our separate ways so we compromised on letting each other know where we are at all times in case we want to stop by for a visit. Thantos was my rock, he became the father figure to us all when our parents died, but he knew how to have fun despite being thirty when we were given immortality.

I felt the wind around me shirt, someone was here. I walked downstairs and continued rearranging the furniture the movers had delivered half an hour ago my senses on high alert. I was moving the couch when I heard a slight creak on the floor, spinning around I grabbed the person and slammed him into the ground.

“Nice try, Erik.”

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