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Angela POV

I woke up to noise being made in one of the guest bedrooms we had, I crawled out of bed and made sure to make no noise. I found Erik in the hallway slowly making his way to the guest room as well. Nodding to each other we ran into the guest bedroom tackling the person making so much noise.

My other brothers all ran in to find us holding Vasilisa down, who was wearing a sheepish grin on her face. “Hey guys, what’s going on?” she said cheekily.

“Dammit, Lisa, don’t do that. We could have hurt you!” Erik said rolling off her to lay on his back on the carpet.

“Sorry but I bought a car and drove it here since Lazarus had text me the address a couple days ago. I got here and you were all asleep, so I chose my room, I didn’t think I was making that much noise” she said sitting up.

“You know we trained our senses to pick up even the most weakest noises” I said to her sitting down crossed legged next to her.

“Yeah, forgot about that. Anyway, I’m almost done packing, maybe we can go out for lunch later, show me around Mystic Falls?” she asked standing up to finish putting her clothes in the dresser.

“Sure, I’ll shower and dress and start breakfast then” I said standing up and running off to my room. The boys did the same after hugging Lisa and welcoming her back.

I took a quick shower and headed straight for my closet, I decided to take advantage of the warm weather and wore a pair of dark wash denim shorts, a black tank top with a purple tank over it, and left my dried hair down in waves to the middle of my back.

[Outfit in the External Link]

I went down stairs and started pulling out bacon, sausages and eggs from the fridge. Standing up I placed it on the counters and readied the pans. Deciding to indulge since Lisa was here with us, I grabbed the pancake mix and the chocolate chips for my famous chocolate chip pancakes she loves.

Mixing the batter in a bowl I kept an eye on the sausages and bacon as the popped and sizzled on the pans. I left the eggs to make for last since scrambled eggs are quick to make. Lisa came down wearing some white denim shorts and a pink tank top, her hair pulled back in a high ponytail.

I left her to watch over the bacon and sausages as she offered to help make breakfast while I finished up the last batch of chocolate chip pancakes. I started on the eggs and whipped them up quickly before putting them on a big bowl for everyone to serve themselves. Lisa followed my example and did the same with the bacon and sausages, I placed the stacks of pancakes in the middle of the dining table along with the rest of the food.

The boys grabbed the plates and cups and set the table. I grabbed a jug of orange juice and apple juice and served myself a glass of apple juice before digging in to the food. We asked Lisa about her time spent for the last two decades from when we last saw her in person and listened as she told us about some of the new spells she created and recorded in her grimore.

“Like there is this one I made, its like a teleportation spell. Put I need a visual image of what the place I’m trying to get to looks like. For example I could teleport to this house from anywhere in the world, since I now know what it looks like outside and inside” Lisa said explaining the limitation of her new spell.

“Sounds like a spell we could use, any new offensive or protection spells we should know about?” Thantos said. I knew he was asking because we might need something like that since we are going up against a hybrid.

“Yeah, I can place a protection spell around the house making it invisible to those I don’t want to see, for example Klaus and his family could walk right by here a dozen times and not see, hear, or feel the house or anyone inside of it” Lisa said feeling smug about her new protection spell.

“Do you think you can place it on the house and everything before we leave for your tour of Mystic Falls?” I asked her getting up to wash my plate.

“Yeahbsolutly” she said chuckling as she got up.

“Sounds like you saw Mr. Popper’s Penguins, I recognize the word, ‘samazing” Demitri said chuckling as he recalled on of the other words he had said in the movie.

“Yeah, I think its absolutely adorable!” Lisa said giggling before leaving outside with a black pea coat in her hands in case it gets cold later.

Shaking my head, I smiled before grabbing a black hoodie and followed Lisa out the door. My brothers followed me out the door, Thantos had the keys to one of my other cars here, a Volvo and Demitri had his car keys as well knowing we all wouldn’t fit in one car.

We watched Lisa as she said some words in Latin, and felt the wind shift as the spell took over the house making it invisible to others but visible to us. We trusted Lisa with her word that the spell works and left in the cars to give her a quick tour or Mystic Falls.

It was noon by the time we finished her tour, and we pulled up to the high school, the only one in Mystic Falls by the way, so we could enroll Alessandro and Lazarus in school. Of course they wanted their names to be more modern, so we changed then to Liam and Alex Biscotti, we decided to have then keep our last names since no one would find anything about our past alias’ in any database.

Liam (Lazarus) was being enrolled as a junior and Alex (Alessandro) was being enrolled as a junior, we decided not to have Demitri enrolled since he’s technically nineteen and nowadays at that age they should have graduated high school already. We did however enroll Lisa in school, she is now our sister Vasilisa Biscotti on paper, she is now a senior at Mystic Falls high school.

We made sure that at least had one of Elena’s friends in all of their classes, Lisa was going to try and befriend Bonnie - a fellow witch - and Alex was going to try the same with Jeremy, Elena’s younger brother. Liam was going to try and befriend Matt, Tyler and Stefan. My brothers tend to be troublemakers, so I made them promise not to get in too much trouble, I even had Lisa make sure to keep them in line since I wouldn’t be able too.

I also applied for a position as an assistant teacher, lying and saying that I wanted to gain some experience in an actual classroom to see how the environment is, they were allowing me to become an assistant to Mr. Saltzman, Alaric. I knew having this position would get me in close with Alaric so I was all for it, that and they all have his class at the same period so I would be able to observe Elena and her friends.

Since it was Friday, the boys and Lisa won’t start school until Monday, and I won’t start work until Monday as well.

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