Discussions and an Invite

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 Picture of Demitri on the side>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

(continuing from where left off, obviously)

“What’s up?” Erik asked as he handed me my drink and sat down across from me in the booth.

[please note they are now speaking Greek, I don’t know greek so I’m putting their conversation in English] “Easedropping, on Elena and her friends. They are talking about what to do about Esther. Apperently Esther was locked away in a coffin like the rest of the family, they thought she would like a secret weapon to use on Klaus but that backfired on them” I said chuckling at the end, there are very few witches you can trust, even less that I do trust.

“Please that woman had no backbone, she wouldn’t kill her own children” Alessandro said sipping his whiskey.

“Psh, and with the Salvatore brothers on their side they have no chance of any plan following through, Damon follows his own rules and Stefan is too humane to let anyone die” Erik said scoffing.

“And with Elena’s stubbornness that’s like a triple threat” Demitri said noticing that trait about Elena.

“At least we didn’t have worry about Katerina’s humanity, she had none even when she was human. Hell she used people to her own advantage if it meant she survives” Ivan said sitting back and pulling his eyes away from the girls had giggling.

“Speaking of Katerina, have you seen her yourself yet?” Alessandro asked sitting forward.

“No, and something tells me she won’t show her face so easily, not with Klaus and his family in town now” I said to them before eating a fry from the basket of appetizers my brothers ordered.

“Look who just walking in, the big bad hybrid out of hiding” Ivan said looking towards the front entrance. We all turned to look and found Klaus and his sister Rebekah walking in the Grill and heading for the bar before grabbing the table right next to Elena and her friends booth.

Listening in we all heard their conversation. “Elena, love, I do so hope you will grace us with your presence at our ball” Klaus said leaning in to stare in the eyes of the doppelganger.

“Oh yes, please do. I’m thinking of inviting Matt as my date, what do you think? He smells delicious” Rebekah says, whispering that last part to Elena, taunting her.

“Stay away from Matt, or so help me…” Caroline said leaning over Bonnie to hiss at Rebekah.

“Here comes lover boy now. Hello Matt, I was wondering if you would accompany me to my families ball, as my date?” Rebekah said confidently, but also nervously as she was always afraid of rejection, even after attaining ethereal beauty.

“I’m sorry Rebekah, but there’s kind of someone I want to ask to go with me. Sorry” Matt said hesitantly turning her down as he placed a burger in front of Jeremy and the others.

“Oh, who is she? Do I know her?” Caroline and Rebekah asked at the same time. They glared at each other before turning to Matt expectantly.

“Um…yeah, Caroline you’ve met her. She’s here actually” Matt said rubbing the back of his neck. I felt tense, eagerly waiting for him to say who it was. I don’t know why but I felt a spark of jealousy for whoever this girl is.

“Well, why don’t you go and ask her now mate, I just want to know your not lying to get out of going with my sister. So, go ahead” Klaus said smirking, hoping to call his bluff.

“Fine I was going to anyway, I just have an audience now. Here it goes” Matt said pulling off the black apron and clocking out but not before grabbing my order of chili cheese fries and bringing them over. I figured he must be stalling but he looked nervous yet determined as he walked over.

“Hey, Angela how are you? Are these friends?” Matt asked after placing my food in front of me.

“Um…no these are my brothers. You remember Erik, well these are - “

“Evan” Evan said holding his hand out interrupting me.

“I’m Alexander, call me Alex” Alessandro said holding out his hand as well.

“And I’m Demitri” Demitri said nodding his head.

“Right, I think I remember you saying you have six brothers, was it?” Matt said.

“Yeah, my other two should be here within the next two days. They had some stuff to take care of so we left without them” I said to Matt smiling at him.

“Cool…so I was wondering, most of the town was invited to a ball the Mikealson family is holding, and I was wondering if you would like to be my date?” he asked nervously. I immediately saw Klaus lose his smirk and raise an eyebrow, Caroline and Rebekah’s faces fall and a nodding approve from Jeremy and Tyler.

“You want me to be your date? But you don’t even know me that well” I said shocked and kind of happy he would ask me to be his date.

“I know but your really cool and fun to be around. And I really like you” Matt said stuffing his hands in his jean pockets hunching over as if expecting rejection.

“Well then, I would love to be your date. When is the ball?” I asked him reaching out to hold one of his hands.

“Really?! I mean um…cool, so umm the ball’s this Saturday. Maybe we can go out on a date and get to know each other better Friday?” he asked hopefully.

“I would like that a lot” I said smiling.

“Great, umm…I’ll leave you to your food. I’ll see you Friday, we’ll meet up here at say seven?” Matt said walking back a few steps but still staring at me.

“Yeah that would be great, I’ll see Friday then” I said waving at him.

“Ok, and it was nice to meet you guys” Matt said waving to my brothers before retuning to his friends table.

“Well looks like you have date for the ball” Ivan [Evan] said chuckling.

“Hmm…I think I like him, he seems like a nice stereotypical jock” Demitri said nodding in approval.

“Well I for one like that guy so if you want to date him I say go for it” Erik said.

“Like I need your guy’s approval to date anyone, I can kick all of your asses” I said to them laughing before eating my fries. We talk some more in English as Elena and her friends had left so we no longer had to watch what we said, we enjoyed the night. I went to bed happy knowing my last two brothers would be home in now time.

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