Training and a Worried Elena

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Picture of Thantos on the side>>>>>>>>>>>>

“Wakey wakey everyone, its time for some training” Erik yelled out waking me up. Yesterday we had decided on have a day of training so we could brush up on our fighting. I glanced at the clock and saw it was nine in the morning, I felt well rested and eager to start the day.

I jumped out of bed and stretched, I took a quick cold shower waking up further, before changing into some black yoga pants, a light purple tank top, a black crop top, and some purple sneakers. I put my hair in a messy ponytail and left my room.

I found my brothers all in some workout clothes, sweaters and sweats or some basketball shorts. I poured myself a bowl of Honey Nut cheerios and sat at the table. When we finished our breakfast we each grabbed a towel and a water bottle and ran to a clearing we had found a couple days ago a couple miles away from the house. The run was a good warm up so we agreed on training in the clearing.

[Outfit in the external link]

We arrived no more then five minutes later and started stretching. I hung up my towel on a tree branch and left my water leaning against the tree trunk. I started stretching, doing some squats, touching my toes, some jumping jacks, I even did the splits to keep my flexibility that allows me to dodge and bend to avoid getting hit.

We started on some offensive moves, we agreed that I was the fastest when it came to being on defense, so the one-by-one they came at attacking and trying to land a hit. At the rate my brothers are operating on I doubt my brothers have been keeping their bodies in shape, their forms are off and their speed is lacking.

“Guys you are really out of shape, what have you been up to for the past decade, you know what never mind. Lets working on your speed, run fifteen miles out and back in less then ten minutes starting now” I said to the boys, they ran off immediately knowing they thought their speed was lacking as well compared to mine.

I sat down and laid back watching the clouds as I waited for them to return. I couldn’t help but wonder what Elena and her friends were up too. If Klaus was out causing trouble as usual, as is his nature to kill. Sometimes I wonder if me and my brothers were gifted these powers for something beyond what we know, as if the Gods had a secret agenda behind it all.

Elena POV (surprise!)

“Stefan, do you think Matt getting involved with Angela from the Grill, would put her in danger? I know she makes him happy, and I’m happy cause she’s human and ignorant of everything, but I can’t help but worry Klaus might use her against Matt in turn against me” I said to Stefan as we sat on his couch. Damon listening in as he stared into the fire with a glass of whiskey in his hand.

“I don’t know Elena, I wish I could say I know for certain nothing like that will ever happen. But if anything I know for a fact we can never know what to expect from Klaus” Stefan said sitting down next to me, grabbing my hand tightly. I could see the worry in his eyes as well, despite everything Matt is a dear friend of ours.

“Matt’s smart, he knows the danger that comes with dating a ignorant human” Damon said turning from the fire to stare into my eyes. I nodded, my lips in a tight line, worrying about everything.

“Its just that Matt’s been through enough with his mom and Vicki, I know if he lost someone close he might break. Not to mention Rebecca has an interest in him and I know jealous emotions will be enhanced with her so she might do something drastic like kill Angela because of Matt’s interest in her” I said.

“Maybe you should talk to Matt, and leave him to decide. If he really likes her and is willing to risk it, we should support him and help protect her if we have too” Stefan said rubbing his thumb in circle on my hand.

“Okay, yeah. Maybe I’ll talk to him tomorrow. Its getting late, I should get home. Can you drop me off?” I asked glancing at the clock letting me know its half past eight.

“Of course, lets go” Stefan said standing up and pulling me up from the couch. I waved goodbye to Damon who was busy refilling his glass, before letting Stefan run me home. I kissed him goodbye and opened the door to the house.

“Jeremy?!” I yelled out.

“In the kitchen!” I heard him yell out. I walked into the kitchen to find him eating some pizza with a soda in his hand.

“I ordered some pizza because I didn’t know if you were going to come home or stay with Stefan, and I didn’t want to cook” he said before taking a bite out of a slice of pepperoni pizza.

“It’s okay, I’m starving anyway” I said grabbing a plate and a soda from the fridge before grabbing a slice of pizza. We ate in silence for a while before I thought about maybe asking Jeremy about what I should do about Matt’s situation.

“Hey Jere, can I ask you something?” I asked him finishing off my slice of pizza.

“Sure” he said setting his pizza down.

“You know about Matt being interested in Angela, and how he asked her to the ball Klaus’ family is throwing. Do you think its dangerous for Matt to get close to her right now?” I asked him honestly wanting his answer because if he were to show interest in a girl I’m afraid he would be put in the same situation.

I could tell Jeremy thought the same thing because he was actually putting thought behind his answer. “I think that there is always a risk, but if Matt really likes her he should be able to date her. I mean if I were in his situation I would rather her know about everything so she could be wary of everything rather then ignorant of what’s going on. At the same time I want to protect her from everything, like I am with Bonnie, but I know she can protect herself” Jeremy said shrugging, his face showing a faraway look as he thought of Bonnie.

“I know, do you think I should talk to him as a friend expressing my concern about him dating right now? Do you think he knows about the danger he could put her in but doesn’t care?” I asked worried I might anger him if I brought it up.

“I think you should ease into it, make it sound like you just thought of it rather then worrying about. I am worried too though don’t get me wrong, I remember the look of jealousy on Rebecca’s face when he asked Angela to the ball instead of her, I’m worried she might do something” Jeremy said thinking back to when he asked her at the grill.

“I know, I saw her face too. Even Stefan is worried, as a vampire her jealousy could make her do anything, and since its Rebecca she might do anything, even kill her if it means getting Matt” I said to him worried.

“Well, there’s nothing we can do now, maybe we can both talk to him tomorrow about this” Jeremy said getting up to recycle his soda can and wash his plate.  Nodding I followed his example and placed the rest of the pizza on a plate in the fridge.

I went to my room and wrote my thoughts in my diary before turning off the light and laying in bed. Staring at the ceiling I hoped nothing goes wrong, before closing my eyes to the world. Little did we know Angela was no ignorant human who knew nothing about the supernatural world.

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