Chapter 3

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I sat on a chair for hours as I watched Tony work on countless things. "When am I gonna be able to work on something?" I whine. He looks at me and then continues working. "Tony, can I borrow Sage for a minute?" Bruce asks as he walks in. Tony nods, "Yeah. Sure." I jump off the chair and walk over to Bruce. "Come on, " he says and grabs my hand, dragging me to his lab. We walk in and I see a bunch of tubes and beakers filled with colored liquids. "Whoa..." I mumble. "Yeah, impressive, isn't it?" He asks sarcastically. I roll my eyes as he hands me a lab coat and safety goggles. I slip them on and walk over to the counter he's standing at. "Hold this, " he hands me a beaker filled with red liquid. He mixes a few things then takes the beaker from me, pouring it into the concoction. A smoke fills the room and  the fire alarm goes off, making water spray everywhere. I stumble to the door, trying to hold my breath. I try opening it, but it's locked from the outside. As the smoke clears, I see a man with black hair standing at the door, smirking. "Son of a bitch, " Bruce coughs as he walks over. I stare at the man in wonder. Is this Loki? No, no. It can't be. I think to myself. "W-Who-" "Loki.." I slowly back away from the door as it opens. "Well well well. What happened in here? Hm? Experiment gone wrong?" Loki laughs as he walks in. Bruce steps in front of me as Loki walks up to us. "No..Just trying out some things, " Bruce growls. I shake in fear behind him as Loki corners us. "Who's this girl? Another agent I assume." Loki says with a raised eyebrow. "Tony! Steve! Someone, help!" I scream. "Don't bother. They're all in captivity, so they can't escape." Loki snarls. "Now's the time to use your powers Sage!" Bruce says to me, his voice low. Loki looks at me with his head titled, as if he were asking "Powers?"

I shut my eyes tightly and move Bruce out of the way. I ball my hands into fists and throw a punch at Loki, but surprisingly, he dodges it. "Missed me, " he chuckles as he stands at the door. I charge at him, my fist raised. He grabs me as he dodges it and walks out into the hallway. His hand is tightly gripping my arm. "Let me go you freak!" I scream. He doesn't even bother looking at me as we walk to the deck where all the planes are. We stop in the middle of the deck and we begin to go into a vortex of light. "Where are you taking me?!" I scream again. "You'll see," He replies as we appear in a place that looks like it's made of gold. I stand there in amazement, "Asgard..." Loki nods and we walk into a castle.

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