Chapter 2: Unexpectations

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I do have a question for all of you lovely people. If you want this all in italics symbolizing past or just say past tense at the beginning of each chapter that's in the past? Nvm.. I'll figure it out.

Past chapter

Read if you dare

I got off the wretched bus and started walking home. Yep, I still took the bus, and I was a high schooler. Thank god they had a bus or else I would've walked like four miles to school.

Maybe that's not a lot sorry it is to me.

I walked off towards my house. I hate that house man. Fucking brings the worst in me. I kept walking. Stepping on the loose gravel and the broken sidewalk.

Ugh, why is it so cold? Ugh, I don't know. Then again it's November. Beginning of November.

Twelfth to be exact. I looked at the two houses I did every day. I wasn't expecting anyone to be looking out the window.

It was abandoned. I stopped dead in my tracks. I peeked at the window meticulously. Then jumped back. Holy mother of shit. My heart probably screamed with me.

There was an old man looking back at me, but his eyes were widened to its extent. He didn't look human.

However, he did not, not look human. He looked like a scary old man. He had reading glasses on or so it seemed. I saw half of his face.

I started walking. Ignoring the other house I look at every day, that house contained a cute guy I only ever saw twice a year, but as I said on a speed walk to my house that was in the middle of the block.

No. No. No. I got to my house searching for my keys in my book bag then started laughing.

"I'm an idiot," I said to myself. No one lives in that house it's abandoned. Ha. Wow, I'm stupid. Maybe that was like a cardboard cut out or something for no trespassers. Ah okay, that's what it was.

I calmed my beating heart with these analogies.

Wo! Okay.

What was he looking at though? Maybe he was looking for someone. Half of his face was by the window.

Gawking as if he'd just been frightened by something. Yet the look of his features was very prominent. Oh god.

I opened my door with my heart picking up its speed. Then slowly shortened its beats. I'm overreacting man. Overreacting to the core. All this anxiety built up for no possible good reason.

Pfft, I really overreacted.

I unlocked the other door to my house then walked in it. There were two doors. One to walk through and the other towards my actual living arrangement.

It was a one-story house. Stairs on the outside to get in the house other than that it was only one-story two-bedroom, one bathroom.

Well, I only count one because the second one was in the basement I tried never to go down into. Why? Because it was just nerve-racking.

Oh my god, my basement stories will scare you.

'Or maybe it's just you.' My subconscious spoke.


We had a living room, which I glumly walked past through. A dining room that had no dining at all in it. Just a raggedy old yellow, green couch. And a made up closet type thing on the other side of the room, that was gonna fall any day now.

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