Character selections. (In my mind)

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Natalie Portman ~ Trinity Elena

Hayden Christensen ~ Thomas Darcey (me being an idiot never actually saw Star Wars... I'm like searching for this character than I spot this hunk. And I'm like who's this hunka hunka? I looked at his movies he was in like. *insert grandma glasses on the edge of her nose* and just like uh he was in the movie Star Wars.. Other movies.. WAIT STAR WARS?! Just a short story of how stupid I am.)

Liam Hemsworth (A.k.a Beckyyyy LilyPrincess123 ayeee!) ~ Luke Elena

Christian Bale/Chris pine/Wes Bentley ~ Blake Adrienne

Cara Delevingne ~ Serenity Elena

James Franco/ Brad Pitt ~ James Adrienne

Zendaya ~ Abby (See what I did there. The one name crew!)

Maia Mitchell ~ Gloria Alfonso

Vanessa Hudgens ~ Jackie Since

Barbie. Lol JKJK Margot Robbie ~ Doc Marisa

Penelope Cruz ~ Angelita Francisco (Trinity, Luke, Serenity's Mother)

Morris chestnut/ Vin Diesel/ The Rock/ Dean Geyer ~ Christian Elena (Trinity, Luke, Serenity's Father) (Dean Geyer and Vin Diesel are both black! They have some descent in them. Or so that's what Google said..XD)

Here are some pics if you don't know who the people are! I DONT OWN THESE PICS! Making sure that's clear...

Here are some pics if you don't know who the people are! I DONT OWN THESE PICS! Making sure that's clear

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