Chapter 16 Part two: Beg Blake's P.o.v

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Helloooooo! I am done fixing this chapterrrrr! WO!

Blake's POV

Read if you dare...


  "Your innocence, Doll." Thank god I said those exact words.

  Because I loved the way she cowered in fear.


  She pushed at my finger angrily. She took me way off guard.

  "You'd go that low?" she tried to seem intimidating. Failing miserably. I've seen intimidating doll. Compared to them your a sweet little teddy bear, with a frown on its touchable face. I can show you intimidating babe.

  "Don't think for one second you can disobey me like that! I can take it right here right now." I wanted to laugh at how tense she got. My hands traveled to her waist. I pulled at it lightly.

  How I would love to scare her.

  "No.," she said placing her little hands on my grown ones. Not gonna cut it, sweetheart. You got yourself in this position. I laughed.

  "beg," I said. Waiting to hear the pleads from her fragile voice.

  She looked at me with an emotion, I didn't want to describe. My happiness was slowly diminishing. I was thinking of pulling her jeans further down. But her voice made me smile.

  "Stop. Please." she pleaded. Just not enough for my needs.

  "What was that, Doll?" I raised a finger to her chin. Looking at her eyes who refused my own. I could do so many things with this finger.

  And not just sexually.

  "I said don't do it. Just.. fucking don't do it." Her profanities were bugging me. Before she hardly cursed. Now it comes out every time she speaks. I looked at her. Hands over her face.

  Trying to shut out the world.

  Wishing it would stop.

  I hated to see her cry. But I loved hearing it.

  My mind worked oddly. I wish I could control all of it. But it does what it wants.

  Whatever it lurks for.

  Whatever it wants.

  I released my hands from her waist when my eyes landed on her crying. My eyes hurt.
Yet my ears were in love.

  And since my eyes override my ears.

  I spoke to comfort her.

  "Doll.." I tried to finish, but her hurt voice wouldn't stop ringing in my mind.

  "Leave me alone." I wanted to get angry. Demanded that she would not talk to me like she owned me. Exclaim I can stay here. But she was already breaking. Pushing her over the edge. I got off of her. Leaving her alone. Just how she wished.

  "I didn't mean it," I said before walking out the door. I walked up the stairs to Judy's old room. The room I'd been sleeping in since she got back. She escaped from that room once before. She wasn't getting it back. Whether she liked it or not. She had drawn a picture with her name on it. A horse with a rainbow and the name Judy. With a sorry for it.

  I smiled at the picture, she made when she was little. Then walked into the room. The room was a mess, because of me. Clothes on the ground. Cans as well. Empty pill bottles I needed to take, that Marisa gave me. She said I needed to take it for my 'anger issues.'
I grabbed the scotch on the ground. Tired of feeling regret. I took a swig then another.

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