Chapter 13: owner

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Hello, guys and gals here are chapter thirteen. Like I said I would have. Pretty soon. Lol. Enjoy the picture! Me with Siri! I swear she hates me, man. Or womankind. Y'all know what I mean. Lol.

Read if you dare...


The physical pain or the realization?

There both the beginning of my failure.


I laid there in physical and mental pain. Feeling sleep wash over me.

Yeah, let me sleep. The pain might start easing. The ground was cold, but a nice cool. A hard, concrete-like floor. But it's better, than the chair. I would kiss it... But I couldn't move.

I mean unless you want to see me groan, cry and curse in pain, sure I'll tilt my head.


I closed my eyes, hand holding onto my other arm. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Onto the floor. I want to go home. I want my mom. I want my fucking mom. I wanna go back home. I want to be with my boyfriend. I want to be with my mommy.

"Pewhoosh. Pewhoosh." I heard the sound of my own tears. Actually that was just my cries. I am in so much pain.

"Disgusting." Blake's wretched voice spoke. I saw his shoes by my face.

"Come on little dolly. Get up. Get up. Who's boss here again?" He said as if I was his unwanted toy. I groaned. Crying. Making sounds I never thought I'd make ever. Crying in agony. I want my mom. I just want to go home.

He took the opportunity to kick me in the stomach. From the lack of response. My hands went to my belly. I fell on my back. I gasped in pain.

I sniffed in the pain. I held onto my tears.

"Who's the fucking boss, Judy?" He yelled.

"Blake please!" I moaned. The impact with his foot, made me have a coughing fit.

"Who's the boss?" He asked again. Foot stepping on my stomach. I was in tears. This wasn't a nightmare. This was real. He stepped on my stomach as if he was stepping on a bug. Kept stepping on it, though it was already long dead.

I closed my eyes shut. He lifted his foot, I clutched my stomach. He kicked and kicked. I opened my eyes, looking at the area he was gonna kick again. I grabbed his foot and pushed it away with as much force I could use. Which wasn't at all much.

His kicks became harder, and I couldn't handle it. Already bruised. Already on the verge of breaking.

He stopped. I wonder why... I tilted my head up, to get a glimpse of his face. My mind came to an agreement with my voice.

"Yo-you en-enjoy this?" I asked staring at him. He ran his hands through his black hair. His cold blue-grey eyes finally meeting mine. Wicked to suffering.

"Enjoy hu-hurting people?" I said lastly. Provoking him. Wanna kill me? I'll give you a reason to.

"You forgot the rules.." He said but stopped short. I didn't talk. I dropped my head. My eyes were burning. My back was hurting. My stomach and arms in pain. Not to mention my legs. Ugh, my poor thighs... I didn't have the energy to talk. The motion. To form a simple statement. I laid there on my aching back, shut my eyes.

I felt drowsy. Very fatigue. Most certainly, tired.



"Judy." The last time he called my name, I jolted my eyes open. I heard his voice gradually get closer and he did. He was face to face. Literally. Face directly above my face. He touched my hair. I flinched.

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