"Adventuring aye? Looking turns to seeing and seeing transforms into watching.
Sometimes you can't control what you watch.
Especially in the dim shadows, people trail unknowingly.
It's an instinct, not an errand. To control is to have power.
Hey peeps, loveliesss etc etc. Idk if you guys saw I changed my lovely cover that I've had for years yoooo took guts tbh. I wasn't gonna change shit. Lmaaaoooo. Seriously was not going to at all. But I did it! I wanted to get more progress. The description I changed too! Even the title a little bit from the two .. to — which doesn't fucking matter tbh. LOL
I just want to write this as like a more character description thing. Cause I found some cute pictures of these guys that sorta kinda view how I see Thomas and Blake. Wanted to do it before I posted chapter twenty seven. (;
I did the character selections before I don't know how true I see all of that anymore but oh well. Trinity has the features though of that but like Luke I'd probably change. Not to sure yet but oh well. Actually no Luke is fine. Shit is he tho?!?! Aghhghghgh. Idk.
I don't even know. Thomas is definitely not that celebrity and the father either and Blake probably not. James maybeee I dig it sorta.
I have pictures copyright goes to them.
Oooo I just realized I gotta find a picture for Zayn!
And Danny! Oh great goody and the hood guyyyy. Ohhhh myyy god.
Oh crap andddd all Blake's coworkers. Oh my god!
Hahahaha I am ready for this. Get ready for a new updated character selections coming soon. Now I'm actually happy lmao.
Okay okay the pictures.
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I feel like this is a before Thomas like a past Thomas. Looks a little cocky etc. I see this as Thomas with piercing hazel eyes.
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This looks like a good present Thomas. Love the hair. Little stubble little aging haaaa you know what I'm sayingg (; 😉 Lmffaooo let me stop.
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Tbh I just dig this guys blue eyes. Not really the Blake I envisioned but he looks like a good past Blake. Happy Blake softer Blake.
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This like this— The coldness mysterious look, vibe. I picture for Blake but then again Idk 😐🤷♀️ but I dig this for a present Blake for the time being. Maybe more grey hairs but just to assert some dominance at least. Again the eyes uhh little much but that's the stare I see Blake give. That "death defying stare" If that makes sense. Lmaoo.
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Even this like I love the outfit the suit the glasses. The stance is a good Blake look. But also could be for his coworker Joe and/or Zayn. Face is not Blake but almost everything else resembles him.
So happy to create a new character selections soon. Gonna be great.
Plus I have chapter 27 doneeee. Just tryna edit it. It's a lot like a lottttttt to take in. Might post it today tonight I've had it done for probably a week or two idk why I haven't posted. I've actually worked on 28 and almost have 29 finished. The past chapters are getting really more developed and involved. So I'm pretty excited.