Chapter 6: Death seems better than this

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Hey lovelies.

Read if you dare...
'Please trinity stop fighting fire with fire. Your gonna get burned.' My subconscious said. I know. Fuck.

"I just hope the infatuation isn't short lived. Because as long as your here with me your mine. Forever and always. "

Forever stood out the most once he let go, and knocked me down onto the floor.

Forever and always. I heard it. It seemed like a thousand times. It went on replay in my mind. Forever. That means infinity, never ending; all future time.

With him.

I pounded the side of my head on the floor. Of course he knocked me down on my arm that still hurt.

What am I saying? Everything hurt. My palms hurt especially. They were shaking. Maybe I was shaking. I rested my hands down.

On the floor I was still currently on. To maybe ease the shaking a bit. My eyes started burning from the lack of tears.

Maybe if I close my eyes I'll just die. I mean I don't want to die.

But if forever with him means getting cut with a knife several times well, I'm out. I closed my eyes. I'm not gonna die. I already know. Oh wait.

I see a light. A very bright light. Whoa maybe I am dead. I pray that's a white light. Yes it's white!

Oh god... It just turned black. Jeez. I opened my eyes. I'm still on the floor.


"I need you to sit up." I heard a voice. But where are you?

"I c-can't." I choked out. Whoa my voice sounds so weird. It doesn't even sound like me.

"Fuck why can't you ever listen?" I heard the obnoxious voice speak, Blake. I just got stabbed several times, but sure I'll gladly get up, feel relieved, do whatever your hearts desire.

"Open your eyes." I opened them. He was above me standing.

You look taller once your not holding my neck with a knife. A droplet of water fell on my eyes. That's not water. My eyes started burning. Oh no is this acid?

I thought it couldn't get worse.

"What i-is t-that?" I said blinking my eyes. Wanting to get up, but forgetting the cuts.

How could I forget? They hurt like.. Like.. I don't even know anymore. I was in so much pain.

"Open your other eye."

"What is that?" I asked again. I have a voice! I deserve to know! Even if it's in the worst position—

"Eye drops." He dropped another one in my other eye once I opened it. I blinked my eyes rapidly. I saw him kneel by me.

"What do you see?" He asked. I coughed. Opened my eyes clearly.

Ugh I don't know.. Whoa. Whoa whoa whoa. Even though I was severely injured I didn't expect to see

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