Chapter 7: Oh no

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Sup guyssss. Argh, I don't like this chapter... It's like idkkk.
Lol, enjoy I guess!

"Night night Barney." I closed my eyes.

"Goodnight Judity. Goodnight."

I woke up with the pain of a splitting headache, and two arms around my body. I closed my eyes. Wait. Two arms around my body. Two. Ha. Arms. Around. My, me, myself, and I—

Body. Ha. Okay. Don't panic. Don't scream. Don't even think Trinity. Oh no. Along with that headache came a noise from my stomach.

That sound had a feeling as well. Unpleasant feelings. When you have the stomach virus but you don't have to use the bathroom, but you have to...

My stomach growled and my hands flew to my mouth. I tried to move but the guy's arms were pulling me tighter.

"Judity? Judy... What are you doing?" I heard a raspy voice. Barney. No his name isn't Barney. It's like blazer. Blaze. Blake's—

"Bag." Was all I said. Cause if I spoke more I would throw up all over him. Fuck why does my head hurt? Why am I about to throw up?

I vomited a little in my mouth. I swallowed it. Blake heard and shook me.

Fuck! Exaggerate fuck. Just keep exaggerating it. Stop shaking me you, idiot!

"Judy, what's wrong?" He questioned fuck. Just fuck Blake. I tried to turn to get out of his hold.

"I need a ba..." It was too late I threw up on the bed. I was about to do it again before he snatched me off of it. He got a clue finally.

He mumbled curse word after curse word. While he raced to the bathroom. You would think his life depended on it.

I covered my mouth before some more came out. We finally reached the bathroom I literally puked in it the minute I got to the bowl. More came out and more came out and more. Ugh.

"Sheesh," I said holding the toilet. I don't even know how I'm throwing up anything. I haven't even eaten anything for like how long?

Whoa... How long? I don't even know how I got here. Why am I even throwing up?

"Ugh." More came out. Again and again, it finally slowed down a bit, until it fully stopped. I spit the disgusting taste out of my mouth. I didn't bother looking if Blake was here or not.

I heard him shuffle, and leave after I threw up the first time. Argh. I flushed the toilet. Went to the sink.

Oh. My. God. I looked in the half-opened mirror, due to the medicine cabinet being located there as well. I look like a shit storm.

It looks like I just went through a damn tornado. I closed the mirror shut.

With my mouth wide open. My hair was in a bun or something. I don't even know what was the creation before it was all over the place.

My rounder typeface looked pale. Eyes were dark. I look tired. I feel tired.

My heads pounding. I poked at my face. I felt my teeth under the skin. Damn. What happened to me? I look sick. I feel sick.

I look bad. My hands went to my hair. Wait. Blood. I washed my hands.

Hold up hold up... What's on my hands? I saw the thread. Why is their thread in my hand? Why can't I remember anything?

Why can't I remember anything? My head started pounding worse this time.

Ugh. I wanted to slide down onto the floor and fall asleep. But I wanted to at least fix something of me.

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