first day

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Sam P.O.V 

Its my first day In a new school. I woke up at 7am took a shower got out and changed into jeans, n my black hello kitty shirt. I went down stairs and my mom was making breakfast. 

"Want some breakfast sweetheart"Asked my mom to me. 

"Yea I'm starving thanks mom" I said 

I got my breakfast eggs n bacon yum. I got up n went to the door. 

"Bye mom see ya later" I told her 

"Alright be good Sam" she told me. 

I started walking to my car n there I meet this ex of mine waiting for me. 

"Hey babe miss me" Said Nestor 

"No bitch I'm glad I left you" I told him and got him the hell of my car. 

I got in and almost hit him but he moved away so I just derived to school with the radio on all the way. 

When I got outt the car I entered school and I had to go to the office. 

"Ms.McCall nice to have you hear here is your schedule hope you have a nice day" a lady in the front office said with a smile she had short blond hair and looked like she was bout 34. I thanked her and walk out of the office as I walked to my locker or searching for it I was looking at the paper in my hand and bumped into someone "Hey watch where your going" a guy said "sorry I'm new " well obusily" he said I looked up and met ocean blue eyes and I got lost in them I steared at the for a while until he talked "hey can you move I'm walking thrue" he said snapping his fingers I just moved out of the way to let him thrue. 

I kept on looking at him "yea I wouldn't do that if I where you he is the 'bad boy' of this school so don't fall for him" a girl said tapping my shoulder "why ho is he?" I asked her "him that's Louis Tomlinson no one knows a lot about him and the one who did we never saw him again he is bad news o and I'm rose by the way your new right" she said shaking my hand "yup I'm new and my name a Samantha but everyone calls me Sam so no one knows anything about him?" I said as we walked to fined my locker "nope all I know is that his parents travel I lot and he never stays after school he always goes strate home" she said we got to my locker ant I opened it putting my stuff in their "so what class do u have right now" "umm history and you?" I asked "math" wow I just met her and I don't want to live her weared the bell rang indicating its time to get to class "well meet me in lunch we can sit together" "yea I'll see you their" I said and walked into the class the teacher came in and class started "oh I see we have a new student Ms.?-" "I'm Sam Sam McCall" I said "thank you Ms.McCall" he said and he began class the door open and closed "oh Mr.Tomlinson I see you decided to join the class"the teacher said I looked up and saw Louis their standing but when I saw his eye they weren't the blue that I saw erlyer they where darker and mixed with red what us this boy up to? he than took a sit and for my luck he sat next to me cause it was the only one left grate. I was wrighting notes than I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned and saw Louis "your new right?" he asked and I just nodded yes and turned back on taking notes the bell rang "okay class is dismiss you can go now except for Ms.McCall and Mr.Tomlinson stay" he said "ok so Ms McCall sence you are new and Mr.Tomlinson you wher late you will have to show her around no questions asked" the teacher said "No what why me why can't you ask someone eals to babysit her" "its not babysitting its just showing her around for and helping her for the whole week and than you can do what ever you want-" "but-" " if you don't you will have detention for all the times you wher tardy" "not fair" Louis said as he got up and walk to the door "your forgeting somethin" the teacher said pointing at me "well c'mon"louis said waiting for me at the door we went out "so what class you have next?" he asked I took the paper out and looked at it "just give it hear" ha said taking it away from my hand "that's just grate we have the same classes"he said as he frowned I looked up at him and saw his perfect ocean blue eyes they aren't red no more "like what you see" he said with a smirk I imideatly looked down "hey why do your eyes change color?"I asked "what I don't know what you talking about" and the bell rang again "c'mon we have to go" he said and pulled my hand and I notice he had a British accent and it was cute we got to class and I notice he was still holding my hand when we entered the class and everyone was stearing at us he quickly let go of our hand the rest of the shool went by fast I sat by rose in luch and then we went to class with louis ofcorse and it was time to go home I got home and my mom wasent their she was at work I eat and saw some movies and I got a text message I saw it and it was unknown number  

-pick u up 2morow for school -T

its louis wait how did he got my phone number?

- but you don't even wher I live  

-oh but I do love see u tomrow -T

I saw the clock and it was alredy 10 I went to my room went to the restroom and brushed my teeth and went to bed I have a long day tomorow

* A/N first story hope you all like it ^_^

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