your safe with me

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Louis P.O.V

"is that all?" the girl from behined the counter asked and I just nodded

"Now you are ganna eat" I told sam

"but I don't think I can finish all the food" she said and I just laughed

"don't worie babe I'll help you"

I order a lot of food and our food was ready and I took it and sat down

"dig in" I said and she grabed a burger and took a bite out of it

"what?" she asked with a mouth full of food she looked so cute

"nothing it just th-" "that I'm imberassing" she said

"no no you are not you look cute......... I missed you, you know"

"I know I missed you to but pliz let's not talk about that"

"why what did they do to you did they hurt you? did they r-"

"Louis no they didn't I was just sceared but thank god they didn't do anything to me but one of them hit me for spilling the food on his shoes but other than that they didn't hurt me" she said

"ok" i said and we kept eating



"did she really did it?" sam said whiel laughing I told her something funny one of my sister did

"yea she did it was really funny"

"well I want to meet your sisters they seem cool"

"they are and also cute"

"do you have any pics if them?" sha saked I just nodded and took my phone out and show her the pics

"aww they are so cute" she says as she looks at the pics

"hey you want to meet them?" I ask

"can I?"

"yea c'mon we can go right now"

"okay" she said and we got in the car and drove to my house

20min later we arived at my house

"come in" I said as we walk in

"wow your house its pritty" she says

"thanks.....girls I have someone I want you all to meet" I yelled as the girls came running down stairs

"hellow" the girls said all together

"hey girls this is sam. sam this is lottie, Fizzy and tweens phobie and Daisy" I said pointing at each one of I said their names

"nice to meet you girls you are all so cute" sam said

"what bout we watch some movies?" fizzy asked

"yea lets watch movies" sam said

we all went to the living room and sat down I sat next to sam and on the other side of sam was lottie on the other couch was fizzy.

Phobie and Daisy sat together on the floor. we are watching the movie 'Finding nemo

half way thrue the movie I felt sam snuggle into my chest and soon she fell asleep

all the girls were alredy asleep so I took sam in my arms and took her upstairs and layed her on my bed.

I'm not sour if I should stay of not..... what if I stay and she gets mad I don't know

"stay" sam said in a sleepy wisper voice and she move a bit for me to get in

"night Louis" she said

"night Sam" I said and strok her cheek

"I love you" I said in a wisper and kissed the top of her head and fell asleep


hey good news new storry comeing soon yey make sour to check it out the name of the story is

Careful with the angel

yup that's my new story I haven't put it up yet but I will right now and no don't wore I will update thisone and wownt forget about it. is cuz I alredy have the whole story planed out for the other one so yea go chek it out once I update it I'll tell you guys and it wownt be a fan fic its jist a story but its ganna be good I promis

thanks for reading keep on voting also live a comment and you can also follow me and thats all for now thanks for reading the story

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