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Louis P.O.V

me and Niall have been going around serching for sam to were she is bit neather Niall or I know were they might be..

"so how did you and harry are friends?" I asked Niall

"well last year I was a nerd and he said he will help me become more popular and all that and he gave me a new look and all to start new this year and that's how I became 'friends' with him" he said

"wait sp he changed you to be witg him?"

"yea I was tiered of beeing bullyed so I aceped his deal and hear I am" he said

"nut you look like a nice guy to be hangong out with harry"

"yea I am but harry said I can't be nice to people he dosent like............sp who do you know harry?"

he asked me and I started thinking.

"well its weared actualy me and harry used to be beast friends we were always together and all untill he tryed to steal my girlfriend and ha was therating her to be with him.abd live me but she didn't listen to him ant I protected her and afrer that he has been.trying to steal every girl I like and now he has sam and I wownt let him get away with that" I said

"wait so you truly love her?? But aren't you like the 'bad boy' i n school?" he asked

"yea I love her a lot. And yea I'm the 'bad boy' I became like that because of my perents and because of what harry did I've been mean to everyone but when Sam came she changed that"

"o" its all he said

"so do you gave any idea were he might be?" I asked

"ummm nope bit their is an old cabin that harry gose their when he is mad or just wants time alone bit no onw knows were it is"

"no one not even you?"

"oh me yea I know were it is its in the forest" he said

"well I guess we are going to the forest" I said and speed off to the forest.

I really hope sam is their.


we arived to the fores 20min later

"so were to now?" I asked

"umm well the cabin is like in the midle of the forest"

"ok let's go you lead the way" I said and followed Niall into the forest

30min of walking we made it to tge cabin

"wait" Niall shout/wispered


"their is spmeone in their we have to wait" he said we saw as 3men walked out the cabin

I'm pritty spure one of them was harry because of his curly hait bit the othe to had.masks

one of them took his of ans.I saw it was.....

wait what it was Liam..

whay is he hear with harry

and the otheone also took his mask of and it was Alex

so Harry, Liam, and Alex kiddnaped Sam but wjat do Alex and Liam had to do with this I heard their conversation

"so os everyone out of the cabin?" harry asked the the othe to just nodded

"ok Liam now ypu and me are gpi.g back so no one starts to suspect and Alex you come with us and get the stuff and come back hear agreed?" harry said


"agreed" thet said they all got into the van and left tge cabin alone

"let me go check.if their is no one I. their can come in ok" niall said amd I just nodded he walked insied than aboit 5min lated he came out

"its empty you can come in" he yelled and I walked in the place was dark bit I coild see clearly cause my nght vision

yea that right I have night vision cuase I'm awsome

ok back to serching for Sam

"I'll go check tye basement you checl.the atic" Niall said

yea let's spreat out don't worie in the movies ots the best plan if you want to get FUCKING KILLED

so walked up the atic and surch around and theirs nothing their I went back down and serch the rooms

"LOUIS" I heaered Niall yelled my name from the basement I quickly run th the basement and I saw Niall siting.on.the.groung and had a bodie on his arme

"is that s-" "Sam" he finished my sentence

I went to her and un-tied her and caread her

"c'mon we have to live before they come back" Niall said and we walked out of the cabin.and walked tp the car Sam was knoked out or something cause she hesent open her eyes and I'm getting woried


-Back my house

I left niall at his house and I took sam to my house I nothoced she had the same dress she wore on out date abpit a week ago

so I went to my closet and took out a shirt and its weared cause I had to take of her dress and put the shirt on her and layed her on my bed

"pliz waik up you are safe now no one will hurt you no more" I wispered in her ear

I go in bed with her and hugged her and I soo. fell saleep with her in my arms


Next Morning

Sam P.O.V

I wowk up in a very confy bed I was ganna get up but I felt arms pulled me down again I turned around to see Louis

was iy all a dream or am I dreaming about me beeing with louis??

"no im pritty sour you are not dreaming" Louis said

did I really just sead that out loud?

"umm yea you did"


"no I can read your mine"

"what you can tead my mine?" I asked

"no just messing with you I hered you" he said with a smirk on jis face

"how did I get hear or was it all a dream?" I asked

"I found you and brought you her with me"

"o ok do you know what happened?"

"no but let's not think about it ok" he said and I just nodded

"so what you want to do?"

"ooo let's go to the bitch and sun tan you look pail" I said and he just gave me a look

"o yea I forgot about that sorry" I said

"well we are not ganna get to do anything if we don't get up" I said

"we don't have to get up we can this" he said and hugged me closed to him

"I would but I'm starving"

"let's go eat than" he said

"hevent you eaten you are really skinny" he said poking my ribs

"no I didn't eat but now I'm starving" I said

"ok c'mon let's ge to McDonals and in ganna order everything on the menu cause you have to eat" he said and we got our of bed and went to McDonals


hear you go my lovelys <3

its long and yey he found sam and Niall helped yey

and you leared about louis passed friendship with harry

hope you all are enjoing my story vote and comment pwizzz

love you all <3

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