help me fined sam

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Louis P.O.V

(this is what happened before sam called luois)

its been a week and she hasent called. last time she called she said she had to go visit her aunt because she was sick

Seinc then I sam hasent text call or anythink I'm starting to worry. Is she ok? were is she? and with who? had she forgotten about me?

I came out of my thoughts when my phon started ringing I pulled it out of my pojet and saw it was sam I quickly answered

"Sam thank god you are ok I've veen woried sick were are you?" I said

"Luois calm down I'm ok but I need your help I need you to fined me I'm traped and I don't know were I am" she said wispering

"what I've been texting you and you said yoy we're ok and that you were with your aunt what's going on sam?"

"what I never texted you that I've been traped hear ever since out date they hit you and you got knocked uot and some people took me pliz Luois you need to fined me"

than I was about to answer when I jear a door open and close

"how you feeling love" a guy said

"I want to go home" she answers

"no can do love I have orders" he said "from who?" she asked "that is for me to know ok now hear I brought you food" he said and I hered something fall to the ground

"look what you did you little bitch" he said and I hered something hit something

I than hered the door open and closed again indecating he left

"Luois p-pliz h-help me I c-cant take t-this a-a-any m-more" she sobbed into the phone

"don't worie I'll save you and I will bring you back home I promis and I lo-" I said but I didn't get to finish my sentence because the line went dead

I called back againg

"your call has been operated to an aoutomatic voice-" I hung up her phone is off the battery must have runned out

what am I ganna do? were cpuld she be??? I was walking down the street when I bumped into someone

"sory I didn't see were I was going" I said "nah its fine" the guy said wait I know that voice its


"Niall?" I asked "yea.... o hey Louis....what you doing hear?"

"nothing just thinking" I said

"o well better got going I need to go fine-" he cut himself of

"need to go fined who?"

"no no one"

"tell me"

"no its nothing"

"TELL ME" yelled

"i-in need to g-go f-fined h-harry"

"wait so you don't know were he is?" I asked he just shook hoes head no

"how long has he been missing?"

"I don't know about a week I think" he said

"WHAT??? no this can't be happening"

"wait what are you talking about?"

"I think harry kidnapped sam"

"what no your crazy harry will never do that" he said

"yes he would he alredy did it once an-" "wait he alredy did it once?"

"yea he kidnapped sam once but I got their in time ro beat him up before he could do anything to her Niall I know we don't get along but I need your help you are tge onlyone who knows harry well enough and I need to save sam would you help me?" is asked

"yea I would I just can't beilive he would do that" he said

"ok c'mon let's go fined sam" I said and we got in my car and drove off to fine Sam........


well hellow theit sorry I haven't updated I logged out and me beeing as forgetfull as I am I forgot my pasword lol nut I'm back and to pay it of I'll updat in a bit I'm righting the next chapter and thanx so much for reading and voting I'm soo happy I have

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40 votes

thanx for voting and reading my storry

and I made a twitter I would be really happy if you follow me my acount it



my profiel pic I'm the back ground is lihht blue and has a girl brown hair

and if you follow me I'll follow back I promis just ask and I will :-)

hope you all like the story and don't forget to vote and live a comment <3

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