shower time

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"sam do you know what you are doing?"

"yes I know exacly what I'm doing" she said

"are you ready for this?" I asked

and she just nodded and started kissing ke again

she started to pull on my shirt and I took it of than I took hers off and started kissing

(sory I'm skiping what they did lol we don't need an explanation of that (: )

Sam P.O.V

I wowk up the next morning and I looked up at the angel that was sleeping beside me.

he had his arms wraped around me and his hair was messy and u just looked at him

"saring at someone when they are asleep is creapy" he said in his morning voice

"what I was not stearing" I said

"yea sure your not" he said with a smirk on his face and he open his eyes

"you know what?" he asked

"hmm?" I said as I snuggle my head in his chest

"I want this every morning to waik up every morning beside you I want you to be the first thing I see everytime I wake up and hug you like this" his said and huged me tighter

"me to I want to stay like this forever I want to stop this moment and don't move forword just stay hear"

we stayed like this for like 10 more min and I tryed to get up to go take a shower

but louis pulled me back

"wher your going baby" he said and put his head on my neck

"I'm ganna go take a shower" I said

"I'll join you" he wispered in my ear

"no you can't join me" I said

"but why its not like its ganna be my first time seeing you like that" he said and I turned and looked at him and he gave me a cheeky smile and I blushed

"aww c'mon baby let's go wash up" he said and got up and pulled me off the bed and caryed me to the restroom

ge set me down in the caunter wher you wash your hands and turned on the water and put it the right temperature

and he turned back at me I was only in my bra and underwear and him only in his boxers

he came closer to me and reach to my back and took my bra off and it fel to the floor

he ste me bown on the floor and started to take my underwere off

"their you go babe" he said

"hmm yheirs ont thing missing" I said

"and what is that?" he asked confused

"this" I said and put my hands on the hem of his boxers and pulled them down

"their you go" I said and he lifted me up and set me in the shower and than he entered

"turn around babe" he said and I did he let my hair get wet and than he started to put shampoo and started wasing my hair than hr put the condisioner

and he finished my hair

"now my turn" I said and.we traded spots and he got umder the water and I washed his hair I had to stand on my tippy toes cause he's to tall he turned around but he stull had sope on his hear and he kissed me

we stoped kissing and I had sope on my.hands amd I put some on his nose and I laughed and he grabed some sop from his hear and did the same thing and I stoped laughing and he started laughing

he looked at me and stoped laughing

"aww sorry babe" he said he said ant tryed to hug but I pushed him away

"no I'm mad at you" I said and wiped the sop of my nose

"sory babe I didn't meant to make you mad" he said I was facing the wall so my back was facing him

he came closer and from the back wraped his hands around my waist and whispered in my ear

"you can't bead at me babe I know" he said and it made my knees weak

I turned around and kissed him on the lips and he kissed back I wraped my hands around his neck and his hands wher on my waist

he than taped my bum indecating me to jump and I did I wraped my legs around him and he pressed me against the wall still kissing me

"I.." he said inbetween kisses

"" I said and I was plaing with his hair and pulling it softly after about 15min of kissing we pulled apart and he set me down

"c'mon time to get out" he said as he turned the water of. he got out than huged me and pulled me out

I started shaking cause it was cold ans Louis wraped a towel around me and did the same to him but he put his losely around his waist

we walked to my room and I started looking for something the wear

I got some gray swets and a whit plan shirt and my black bra and umderwear and I turned around and Louis was just stearing at me

"what?" I asked

"nothing its just that your like perfect" he said and I blushed and looked down soon ther was a hand in my chean and he made me look up

"don't look down your beautiful don't hide it" he sead and it made me blushed more and he kissd me and we pulled away

"you can go to my bros room and fined something to wear I'm goin to the restroon and get changed" I said and he nodded and went out the room I made my way to the restroon and got changed

I walked out and made my way to my room and I found Louis siting on my bed looking at his phone with a mad expresion I got closer and I saw it was my phone and he was looking at a meseg but I couldn't see the name I got closer and I gasp cause he was looking at a meseg from


"whay are you doing?" I saked him

"your still dateing Niall?" he asked with anger in his voice

"y-y-yes" I shutter

"why didn't you tell me?" he asked again still anger in his voice

"I'm sorry I didn't remember when I saw you yesterday I forgot everything I was just so happy to see you and one thing lead to another and we end up hav-"

"having sex" he cut me off and I nodded

"so you regret it?" he asked

"no I don't I loved every simgel minute I swer when you left and I didn't heared of you for a week I realize I love you" I said

"than why are you still with Niall?" he asked with hurt in his voice

"I dont know I don't love him I love you and every time we kissed I felt nothing and when I kissed you I felt sparks and everything" I said

"is that true?"


ooooo clifthanger lol I'll updat tomorow I have no school on Monday yey lol

and I'm supper hiper cause last night I spend texting my crush from like 10pm to 4am I'm so hiper sorry you all be like

gurl I don't cear bout your personal life just the story

but I'm happy

o and I saw

This is us

its was awsome best movie ever :)

so moving on live a comment and vote pwiz

thank you all for reading

love you all

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