its over

151 7 5

Louis P.O.V

"Sam SAM I'm so glad I found y-"

I couldn't finish cause I got close to her and I could see blood

"s-Sam?" I turned her around and I felt like I've been hit in the gut she was pail and loosing blood

a lot of blood

I picked her up and starred running to the nearest  hospital and they took her In

I hope she is OK pliz let her live

I was sitting in the waiting room and I can't take this no more I've need waiting for about 3hrs and I haven't received anything no even an

she's gonna be OK

its hard but she is getting better


I don't know what to do I was about to go crazy but a doctor came out

"Mr.Tomlinson?" he asked and I walked up to him

"I'm him is Sam ok ?" I asked

"she is very hurt the injury wasint treated fast enough she lost to much blood I'm afraid she is not gonna make it" he said with a sad face

"no... no their has to be something you can do she can't live now she just can't" I said

"sorry but we have done everything possible theirs nothing deals we can do" he said and parted my back

"c-can I se-see her?" I asked

"yes come with me but I must warn you she only has a few minutes of life" he said and we were at the door

I nodded and thanked him and went inside the room

I saw her body laying their lifeless and hooked up to a bunch of machines one was beeping


I walked and sat next to her

"I'm sorry I promised I would protect you and I fail if you go I'll go to I'm sorry I failed u should of protected you more I'm sorry" I said and hold her hand

her hand was cold I hugged her

"I can't live without you. you can't live me pliz come back pliz I need you" I said softly

I didn't wanted to do this but I had to at lest try to see if it will work

and I did I bite her

I injected me venom in her pliz work it has to work

all of a sudden the machine was beeping faster


what's going on?

than I herd the notice I never wanted to hear the noise no one want to hear in a hospital


and its over shes gone she can't be gone

soon doctors came running in with other machines and things were going on but all I could hear was that noise

soon all the noise stopped

and someone patted my back

"sorry buy she's gone" he said I was frozen I couldn't move I couldn't talk nothing I didn't cry I couldn't all I did is stead at her that's all

about 5min later I was still standing their not moving



guys its over and I mean its over that's the end finito over

i don't know if I'm gonna right a sequel or not   live a comment if I should do a sequel or not

this chapter is solo sad  crying who eals??

anyways its over :(




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