if its the last thing i do

276 7 5

Sam P.O.V

I wowk up the next morning on the couch I got up and cheked my phone and it was alredy 8:30

"shit I'm ganna be late again"

I run up to my room and grabed random cloths got changed grabed my shose and went out it was hard cause I was walking bearfoot and trying to put my shose on

I looked like a retsrd walking like that. I class starts at 9 so I only have like 10 min I made it and walked in

once I walked inside everyone was stearing at me. why? I don't know I walked up toy locker and put my stuff away

"hey sa- wow what happened to you?" zayne asked seice his locker was next to mine

what do you mean what happened to me?" I asked

"did you see your self before you came hear?"

"umm no I wowk up late and I just grabed randome clothes"

"well that explaines that" he said pointing at my outfit

"hear look for your self" he said and opening hi locket and he had a mirror the size of the locker door

I looked and I was I was in one of.my pj pants they wher green with cupcakes and a tang top witch I hate those and my hait was all over the place.

"oh my josh do I really looke like this?" I asked zayn and he just nodded

"oh my josh what am I ganna do I have bo tome to go back to my house"

"you can borow some of my clothes if you want" he said

"you have clothes hear?"

"hey its school you will never know whay will hapen"


"so you want to or you want to look like that the rest of the day?"

"fine I'll borrow your clothes"

"ok hare" he said handing me the clothes

"thanks" I said and walked onto the restroon thank god it was right next to my locker

I got in and change he gave my some black skinny jeans and a blue v-neck shirt I was wearing my boots so it went along with the outfit zayn let me borrow I finished and walked out

"hey wow you look hot" he said and I just blushed

"thanks again"

"hey sam" harry called my name

"hi harry" I said

"so can he hang out today after school?" he asked

"yes we can" I said

"ok cool see you after school in front" he said and higed me and the bell rang and class started louis was late as always


(sorry Im just ganna skip the whole school npthing interasting happens eanyways so bavk to the story)

the bell rang and it was time to go home I grabed my stuff from my locker and headed out and I saw harry standing their waitong for me

"hello love" he said and gave.me a hug

"ready to go?" he asked and I jist nodded

we draved to a restaurant and we ate and started talking

"so are you dating louis?" he asked me

"what no well I don't know I don't think we are he hasent asked me" I said complitly honest

"o look sam I really like you will you be my girlfriend?" I was shoked I mean he is a nice guy and really good looking but I'm not soure

"look I know you are a nice guy but I don't think om ready to be in a relationship right now om sorry" said and got up and went outside

"hey sam don't go" harry yelled behined me that I felt someone grabed my wrist and pull me to closer tp them

"what the hell let gp of me harry". I said bit his grip got tighter

"harry you are hurting me" he jsut smile and kissed me I tryed to pull away but I couldent cause his hand was ont he back of my hear

but I'm not that stupid so I hit him with mt knee and hard. He stoped kissing me and fell to the floor grabing his thingy

"and do not mess with me just mive me alone" I said and turned around to see louis standing theair shoked

"I was mad that he kissed you I was ganna do something bit before I could get their I saw to kneed him and that was awsome" louis said and came and huged me

"are you ok?" he asked

"yea just my arm it hurts that's all" I said and he grabed.my arm and I had a bruse their

"c'mone love let's go home" louis said and we started walking that a voice stoped us

"you will be mine sam if its the last thing I do" harry said and it sceared me


so their it is what do. you think harry will do??? will it be something good or bad?? stay tooned to fine out

lol I did it like on the tv lol so vote and live a comment I will update again when I have at least 20votes I have 14 right now so vote hurry I'll be cheking

love you all <3

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