what is your secret??

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"were are we?" I asked as we steped out of the car. It was a building it looked nice on the outside. it was a dark color of brown and dark windows we walked insied and I was nervuse to go in their

"c'mon nothing will happened to you it will be fine" Louis said as we walked in

"Louis is that you?" a man asked he was like 33 years old louis let go of my hand anw walked to the guy and gave him a hug

"so what brings you and this pritty little girl hear today" the guy asked as he looked at me from head to toe was he really checking me out gross I dont know what he sees in me I'm just a normal girl

I hace long brown hair,green eyes I don't were make-up I just don't like it very much I'm 5'3 and that's all I'm normal I'm not hot but I think you can say I'm pretty.

I looked a Louis and he had mad expresion when the guy was looking at me. its weard causr I'm whearing a blue dress that gose a bit above me knees and I don't like when boys or guys steare at me.

"She is with me so back off" Louis said and gave the man a look and he steped back. my question is still the same. were are we?

we walked passed the man and walked to a table. a girl who was about 18 or 19 came over and gave us a menu I look at it to see what's good

I decided to order the chiken I looked at louis and he didn't order

"why didn't you order your food?" I asked "I'm not hungry" "well than why did we came hear?" "cause you are hungry I can tell" he said its weard cause he didn't really eat the breakfest

"who can you not be hungry you didn't even eat your breakfest?" "well I don't really get hungry" he said "god I wish I was you I'm always hungry but I always say I'm going on a diet cause I'm getting fat but I always see food and I eat it" I said complitly honest

"well love I don't thinl you want to be me" he said "but why not?" "well the are a lot of things you don't know about me" he said

"well I want to know" "what??why??" he said "cause I want to know and because I'm spendint a lot of time with you so I need to know about you" I said "ooo how bout we play 20questions?" I asked "ok you go first"

"umm favoret color?"  

"red and yours?"

"blue" I said and so on and so on

I leared a lot abput him he has 4other yuonger sisters and theit names are fizzy, lotty,twins phoebe and daisy and that his perent travel a lot and he never gets to see them cause when the come he is at school. He also told me that he never stays after school because he gose and take cear of his sisters.

I found out that he is not that bad as everyone said he is but why dosent he wabt people to know the reall him he is also really funny he can make you laugh at the most random moments

we were asking randome questions and one cane up to my mined

"what's you secret?" I asked and he looked shoked like if he just saw a gost or a dead person

"hellow earth to luois" I said waving my hands it his face "sory love what was yhe qurstion?" he said

"what's you secret?" I asked again

"I have a secret that no one knows about not even my perents or my sisters" he said "what is it louis you can trust me" I said "if I tell you promis you wownt run away or freak out or tell eanyone" he said "I promis I wownt tell enyone" I said "ok"

"my secret is that I'm a vimpier"he said "what no really what's your secret" I said "that's my secret" he said. no this isent reall is he a no he cat be they aren't real are they??

"how?" is all could say

"well it all started 3 years ago I was walking alone it was dark and I couldent see I triped over something but when I tryed to get up I couldent my foo was stuck in some thing I felt something or someone really close to me and that soon I felt that gomethibg bit my neck and I couldent move I tryed to but I couldent what ever bit me it took most of my blood and all I could hear was someone hit soneone but I couldent see soon someone came next to me and saw me they bit me but I felt better they yelped me get up and as soon as I got up I fell to the ground. The next morning I wowk up in a place I didn't know I looked aouround nothing looked familiar someone entered the room and said "good you are awaik now you may feel weared and diferent but its normal" "what am I doing hear?" I asked !you are safe now but had to do this to save you" he said "do what" I asked "turn you into a vampier the othe one took most of your blood so I hade to replace it with some of mine and now you are one of us" he said "but I have a familly I can't jusy leave them" I told them "you don't have to you can go back to them we are just like your second familly" they said "o and one.other thing you can not tell eanyone understood?" they said and I just nodded my head anf from.that moment on I've lived like this" he said I was just shoked I didn't know what to say.


so their it is what you all think about louis story??? well I'll updat tomorow and if you like it so far vote and commebt plizz <3 thanx for reading

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