were am i???

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Louis P.O.V

I had to live sam cause my sister called me saying I had to go home cause they wher alone and fizzy was fighting with phobe abut something and my mom wasebt home cause she was at work

after I was done at home I rushed ove to sam's house when I got to the door iy was open but why?

I can't enter cause its not my house so I called sam

"sam" no answer

"SAM" I said a bit louder still now answer

"SAM" I yelled as loud as I could. No answer I run inside not cearing what will happened I tought she was in her room she wasent I serch the entirer house she wasent their.

I went running down stairs and went outside. Were is she??

I than called he I waited and on the third rang she answered

"louis help me pliz help me" she said in a wispering voice I could tell she was crying

"wher are you?"

"I don't know in in a car in the trunk I was at home watching a movie afrer you left and someone came in and after that I blacked out louis I don't know wuer am I pliz help pliz fined me om sceared" she said still wispering

"hey hey Sam don't cry do not cry I'll fined you I promised you I would take ceare of you and wownt let anything or anyone hirt you now calm down did you see who it was?" I asked getting angryer

"n-no I didn't saw who it was but I grabed his hari before I blacked out"

"who did it felt do you remember?"

"yea it was r-really soft and I think it w-whas curly I'm not s-sour" she said

"crap luois the car stoped i-"

Is all she said and the line went dead. No No No it cand be no were is she?

I'm ganna fined her no matter what nothing will happen to her I will fined her and she will soon be with me by my side. Now off to fined her but wher?

Sam P.O.V

I hung up on louis when I hered a door slam closed I quickly put my phone in my back pocet and the trunk opened I couldent see the face cause he was wearing a mask but their eyes wher showing it was a deep blue but the don't seem familiar.

the guy took me out of the trunk and put me on his sholder fo my face was on his back am me legs on this chest.

my hands were tied and also my feet. I was soon put on the floor and my back hit a pole but the pole was big

I felt a rope go around me and it was tyed so I couldent move. soon the guy was on the phone

"the job is done.......yea I got her.....she is tied up......yes .... ..yes.......ok" he said and hung up

"were am I and what am I doing gear?" I said

"I can't say I'm not allowed to speak to you now shut up"

"NO UNTILL YOU TELL ME WERE THE HELL AM i " I yelled at him he got closer to me and slaped my face

"I said *slap* to *slap* shut the *slap* fuck *slap* up*slap*"

my face was hurting like hell right now

"now you be a good little girl and stay untill I cone back down with will be in about an hour" he said and lert the room I was in

I quickly tooky phone out but I stuggel cause my hands were tied up I dieled luois phone number and in the first ring he answered

"hey luois I'm sceared I'm freaking out right now"I wispered into the phone

"no sam you are strong I will fined you I promis I will not live you alone I just need to fined wher you are did you see anything" he said

"yea when the guy took me out I saw that we were in a place with a lot of trees and ther were no houses near and then they got me in a red old house that's all I saw shit luois they are coming down stairs" I hung up before they open the door open

I quickly put my phone under my leg.

"well loom who we have hear" I voice familiar said I've hered that voice

"you will be mine sam if its the last thing I do"

that line came back and I knew that voice belongs to


"w-what do y-you want from m-me?"

"that's simpel to answer love" he said

"and what is that?"

"you" he said

"you sam that's all I want, but no you decided to go with luois right well he is not hear is he no he is not and now I can do what ever I want with you" he said with a smirk on his face

he came close to me and started kissing my neck.

it was really grosse and I didn't like it I try to push him away but sadly I was tied up

"now you will be mine" he said and started kissing me again he pulled my shirt ant tried to take it of but he couldent cause my hands wher tied togethet.

insteard of untieing my hands he just riped my shirt and thrue it.

he started kissing down my chest than he was down my stomach.

He than unbutton my jeans and slid them of. I felt weared I had my eyes closed. I was only in my bra and underwear

he was bout to unhook my bra when the doot shoot open and harry was attacked by someone.

soon harry was on the ground and was knocked out I looked up to see luois untieind me when he was done I huged him and he huged back

"I told you I wasent going to let anyone hurt you and that I will fined you" he said

"thank you" I mumbel on his chest

"c'mon let's take you home" he said as he took of his hoody and gave it to me I put it on and it was long enoug to cover all that neede to be covered

we went walking sence he came running and didn't drought his car

wher we got home I went sraight upstairs and got changed. when I dinished I saw luois standidng at.my door way

"hey you ok?" he asked I just nodded

"sorry I left you alone its a-"

"no its not your fault its ok just dpnt say anything let's just not talk aboit it" I said and he nodded

I went and hugged him "stay pliz" I wispered and he carryed me and layed me on the bed and he layed besied me and hugged me tight

"I wownt let anyone hurt you anymore"

he saud and kissed tge top of my head and I fell asleep


Wow long but interasting so do you like it so far??? well I do

so vote if you like it and comment telling me what you think about tge storry ok pwwiizzzz

that all bye

love you all <3

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