Its just a dream........

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sam's P O.V

* sams dream*

"wh-what are you doing and who are you?" I asked sceard

"that dosint matter now shut up" a guy said and came closer to me

I couldn't see anything it was dark all I could see was a shadow moving back and forth

I was ganna say something but was to sceared to talk I closed my eyes and when I open them again I wasint in the same place I was in.......

my room. wait what???? What am I doning in my room a secong a go I was in a dark place and now this

*knock knock*

someone knocked on my door

"w-who is it?"

"sam are you okay?" I womens voice asked me wait iy sounds familiar to familiar I gor up from my bed and walk to the door and open it standidnt their was my

mom? whait but my mom is gone what is she doing hear

I huged her

"mom your ok I'm so glad" I said

"are you okay hony?" sge asked but her voice changed at the end I pulled away from her and lookde up to see something eals that was not my mom it was something eals

ut was tall bony and ugly its not my mom

(you'll understand what I mean by how she looks if you've see the movie "caroline" if you haven't serch it up on youtube when her fake mom transforms into this creepy thing anywas back to the story :) )

"wh-what are you?" I asked

"I'm your mom you silly" she said smileing

"you are not my mom" I yelle at the thing

"what are you talking about I any your mother"

"no your not"

"I AM YOUR MOTHER" she yelled at me getting creepy again

"you are not and never will be my mother now wher is MY mom" I said

"she is gone forever she didn't want you" she saud and my eyes beggan to watter

"no that's not true"

"oh but it is tell me whas she their on your first porfermence? how bout your cheer events? Vollyvall? when you neede someone to talk to? wher was she? was she with you?"

"n-no she didn't went to any of them cause she was working to make me a better life" I said

"but she wasint working she was off with other ppl not you"

"how do you know all this?"

"I know everything" she said and dissapered

"no no come back you can't live yoy need to tell me more come back come back-

*end of dream*


"sam sam waik up its just a dre waik up" I herd someone say and was shaking me

I shot up and sat on my bed

"sam are you ok?" louis asked sceared

"yea I'm fine just a bad dream".

"are you sure?" heasked and I nodded

"ok want some bearkfest?" he asked

"yes plizz" I said and he walked out the room

after about 10min I smelled pancackes I was about to get out of bed but the door open

"wher are you going" Louis asked walking in the room with a tray of pancakes and juce with some frute and I smile

"hear you go love" he said and put the tray in my lap and I looked down and saw that they were chocolate pancackes my favorite

"what do you wanna do today?" louis asked

"hmmm..." I said thinking

"maybe we should just stay in and watch movies" he said and I nodded

"good cause I brought like 20 movies to watch"

"wait when?" I asked

"when you were asleep I went home and got a buch of movies" he said

"and your sisters?" I asked

"tgeir spending the night at their friends house don't worie I got it raking cear of that" he said and smile

"let's go WATCH MOVIES" he yelled like a 5yr old and run downstairs.

"whitch movies you have?" I asked once I was downstairs

"umm...... the little mermade, cinderedlla, the notebook,titanic, Caroline, night at the m-"

"wait did you said Caroline?" I asked

"yup you want that one?" he asked opening the box of the movie

"NO" I yelled making him stop what he was doing

"why its not sceary its cartoon" he said

"i-i know I just dpnt like it" I said looking down

"why what happen?" he saked getting closer

"it nevermined just forget it" I said

"no Im not ganna 'forget it' what's wrong tell me"

"cause my dream was about the women that comes out in that movie when she gets mad and turns all igly and bony I dreamed that it was my mom" I said

"oh come hear" he said and put me on his lap and kissed my forhead

"let's forget about sad or bad menories and watch movies and enjoy eachothers company ok" he said and put a movie on and we watched movies all day


hey I know it took forever but hear it is I've been really buysy so I can't update a lot sorry :( and I know its crapyore is coming up soon I promis

has any of you hav seen the movie 'caroline'? I have if you havint go watch it. I really like it :)

o and can y'all read my new story called

Brothers best friend (harry styles fan fic)

and tell me wjat y'all think

pwitty pwizzzz :)


love you all :)

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