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Sam P.O.V

o wowk up and checkes the watch beside me and it read it was 7:15am and it said it was tusday and I remember that haven't gone to school

I was getting up and a pair of stong arms pulled me back and I turnd my head and saw louis sleeping beside me

"so now your trying to escape from me now hu?" Louis said in his sleepy voice

"no we beed to get up cause we havent gone to school and we need to go now c'mon get up" I said trying to get up but he was stronger than me

"lou pwiz get up and get dresses so we can go to school" I waid in a baby voice and lookes at him with puppy eye

he sigh "fine but you have to do something first" he said

"and what is that?"

"how 'bout a kiss?" he saked with a smirk on his face

"huuu I don't know you will gave to catche me first" I said as I pushed him off the bed and he fell and I run out his room and entered a random room and closed the door and put the lock on it

"what happen?" fizzy said sleepyly rubing her eyes

"fizzy you need to help me hide from your brother?" I said in a rush

"oh I see what did you do?" sge asked smileing

"well I wowk him up and told hem ye have to go to school cause we haven't gone and he wouldent get up and he said 'ill get up if you give me a kiss' and I said ol but your ganna have to catch me first and I threw him off the bed and run int a random room and I'm guessing this is yours" I said out of breth cause I was talking so fast

and she just nodded "you can hide in the cloaet" she said pointing to a door I went their fast and got in to my suprise it was a walk in closet full of clothes shoes and everything it was amazing

"where is she I know she is in hear" I herd louis yelled as he entered the room

"lou what are you talking about?"

"sam I know she is in hear werw is she?"

"how should I know she is your girlfriend you should know?" she said

wait are we dateing I mean yea I like him but he hasent asked him to be his yet I should ask him

"well no she is not my girlfirend......

" he said something bit I couldent hear the rest caues he wispered the last patr soon I qall looking at a pretty dress and the door flew open and I was beeing pulled out with my eyes covered

"what the hell?" I yelled trying to get out of the persons grip

"shhh don't move its only me love" louis said and turned me around "now go get dressed for school and than we can go hurry up" he said and yea I have some extra clothes I have a hean short and I puy on a tan top and but a ovesiesed shirt that I love cause it says 'Paris' with the pic of the eyefull tower (idk how to spell the name) and my black conver boots and I walked out the restroom to see louis alredy ready

"ready?" he aaked and I just nodded "pk c'mon let's go" he said

"wait waht about tue girls?"

"they alredy left dpnt worie 'bpit them" he said and he put on his hoodie and sunglassed on and walk put the house and into his car he opend the door for me and I got in

we soon arived the school and we got off and entered the school and we went seperet ways cause put lockers were on the oposite sied of the school

I got to my locker and open it

"Hey sam" an familiar irish voise called my name I turned around to see it was Niall I haven't seen him in like forever

"hey sam werw have you been? why haven't you been in school? why-" "wow Niall that is to may questions now calm down and breath I said lauging at him he was so cute and his eyes and his hear. his hear is brown and I love it and its amazing.

"so wher have you been" he asked more calmly

"I was at home relaxing you know what happen and I just couldent come to school emiditly you know" I said and he nodded

"oh yea now I remember what I was ganna ask you I almost forgot" he said smileing

"and what is that ypu want to ask me?"

"well I was wondering if you maby want to umm...maby....umm go out with me.... I mean if yoy want to?" he asked

I was shoked I mean yea he is cute what am I kidding he os hot everything about him is and I love his personalyty and he- wait what an I saying? I'm with louis.. wait no I'm not I'm not his yet he hasent asked me so I'm still free to date who ever I want so I thought abput it and before I stoped meself I said

"yes Niall I will love to go out with you" I said



ooo who is likeing this story so far??? :) I an and yey. way better now so I might update in a bit I'm not sure yet but I'll think about it so I've been thinling that this story is only going up to 30 or 35 chapters and I don't know if their will be a sequel it depends pn how you all like this story soo keep voting commenting and if you loke this storry than follow pwizz lpve you all

ps. thanks for all the

626 reads


55 votes

can we get to

640 & 60 votes?

pwitty pwizz (liams cute puppy dog face)

thanks love you all <3

pps. you all can fo me the gratesr honer to go follow me o. twitter and instagram

twitter- @jazmin_styles2

instagram - jazmin7878

pwizz thank you if you do comment your acount and I'll follow all promis <3

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