Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

I woke up the next morning in Nathan’s spare bedroom, I decided to stay the night after telling him the news as I wasn’t quite sure if I could face Tom. I texted him telling him everything was okay but he didn’t seem convinced. I went over to the drawers in the spare room and pulled out one of Nathan’s hoodies before pulling it over my head. I pulled my hair out the back of the hoodie before making my way downstairs to find Nathan in the kitchen. “Want a cuppa?” I nodded and sat down at the breakfast bar sighing slightly, Nathan smiled weakly at me before placing the cup in front of me. I thanked him and he nodded before sitting down in front of me. I watched him closely as he trailed his finger round the top of his mug, a look of concentration on his face. I knew he had something to say. “So, I was thinking,” Nathan began before clearing his throat, “I was thinking that maybe we should go see a doctor about yano, and he could help us discuss our options,” he said as he sipped his tea. I nodded slightly, a faint smile growing on my lips. I was really impressed with the way he was taking all this. He pulled out his phone before typing in a number and bringing it to his ear, “Hi, I’d like to make an appointment please,” he said before he walked off into the other room. A few minutes later he returned to the room telling me I had an hour to be ready. “Thank you, Nathan,” I mumbled, he smiled at me before walking over and pulling me into his embrace, I wrapped my arms around his stomach as his wound around my shoulders, I felt him kiss the top of my head and I smiled slightly. “You’re honestly the best friend I have.” He pulled away from me and held me at arm’s length as he looked at me, his hand moved up to my cheek as he wiped away a tear that I hadn’t even noticed had fell. “It’s gonna be okay you know, I’ve got you.” I smiled and pulled him back towards me holding him close, I was thankful that Nathan hadn’t freaked out completely and left me, he truly was my best friend and I knew he would stick by me no matter what we decided. I went upstairs and had a quick shower before changing into some spare clothes that I’d left here, that’s one benefit of staying at Nathan’s; I always had stuff here if I decided to stay. I quickly dried my hair before doing a quick fish tail plait, I applied a little make-up and made my way downstairs to see Nathan waiting by the door. He guided me out and we jumped into the taxi that was waiting. The journey to the doctors was silent, there wasn’t much to say till we knew what our options were. I knew Nathan was scared, I could tell every time I caught his eye and he would avoid my gaze before looking out the window pretending to be interested in what was going on around us. We sat in the waiting area for what seemed like hours, I was reading a magazine whilst Nathan messed about on his phone. Neither of us had said a word since we arrived. “Jessica Lawton,” I looked up to see a tall young girl with long brown hair standing before us, I smirked as I saw Nathans jaw drop before following her into the doctor’s office. “Keep your eyes up,” I whispered to Nathan as he watched the girl walk away. He turned back to me with wide eyes and I shook my head before pulling him further into the room and taking a seat in front of the doctor’s desk. “So how can I help the two of you?” he asked as he looked up to us with a big smile. I sighed nervously before looking at Nathan for reassurance, he nodded his head encouragingly and I turned back to the doctor and took a deep breath. “I-I think I’m pregnant,” I mumbled, the doctor nodded before turning his attention to the screen, typing a few things down. Nathan took my hand and squeezed it causing me to smile weakly at him. “Okay, we just need to run a few tests, if that’s okay?” he asked, I nodded slightly and he smiled before getting up and guiding me over to the bed. After a few tests I found myself back in the room waiting for the verdict, I was sat with Nathan and he looked more afraid than I did. I was almost certain I was pregnant, but I guess I could be wrong? Who am I kidding, of course I am. “Okay,” the doctor sighed as he sat down at his desk, he put his glasses back on and looked at the papers closely. “Well you’re definitely pregnant,” he smiled up at me. I felt a lump form in my throat as it was confirmed, I knew it was coming but it still felt like being hit with a ton of bricks. I looked at Nathan and his head was buried in his hands, I turned my attention back to the doctor and he smiled sadly at me. “Would you like to discuss your options?” he asked, I nodded slowly before he got up and went over to his filing cabinet. He pulled out a few leaflets and brought them over to me before discussing them all with us. “I’ll leave you two alone then.” I watched the doctor as he made his way to the door and closed it behind him as he left, I stared at the door for a moment before turning to Nathan to see him sat with his head in his hands again. “I don’t wanna get rid of it, Nath.” His head shot up to face me and he had a look of confusion on his face. I bit my lip and bowed my head; scared of his reaction. “Y-you wanna keep it?” he asked quietly, I bravely looked up at him and nodded slowly. “B-but Tom?” I sighed and ran a hand over my face; I’d almost forgot about that. “I know, but Nathan I don’t think I could live with myself knowing I killed my-our baby,” I whispered. He bit his lips as I said those two words, I don’t think he could quite take in the fact that he was going to be a Dad. Not that I blame him, when I was younger and planning out my life, I never imagined having a baby so young, especially not with my best friend. “Come on then let’s go, this place gives me the creeps,” Nathan said as he rose from his chair, I laughed slightly and stood up to face him. He smiled weakly at me before pulling me into a long hug, I wrapped my arms round his neck and rested my head against his chest. A few minutes later we were interrupted as the doctor walked in, “Ah, made your decision then?” he asked. Nathan nodded and smiled before replying, “We’re gonna keep it.

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