Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

It was very quiet for 4 o’clock normally it’s really busy but it wasn’t today, I got to go home at 5 so I was really happy but not as happy as I wanted to be I sat in the hospital bed holding Naths phone reading messages that his band mates were sending him, I felt sorry for Nath he shouldn’t be having this it wasn’t his fault it was all mine, I knew being in “The wanted” meant loads to Nath and he would do everything for his band, I read the messages over and over again The main one I hated was from Jay

“Nath if you want to stay in The Wanted you have to get rid of the baby and Jess, if you don’t your kicked out you have till 23rd May to decide”

I wondered for ages, I had just been in a car accident and lost my child, did Nath do it deliberately, Nath couldn’t of done Nath’s not like that, is he? This was probably why he was in a mood earlier, I needed to speak to him now, I got Nath’s phone and rang his home number. I waited and waited until he picked up

“Hello, Nathan speaking, who is this?” I heard him say, it sounded like he had been crying

“Hi Nath its Jess” I replied softly

“Oh Hi” He said picking up his voice

“I need to talk to you about something important! Can you pick me up please?” I asked in a really soft voice again trying not to sound suspicious or anything

“Urrrm Ya I’ll be there in Five, Oh by the way have you seen my Phone?” He asked

"Ya it’s here!” I replied sweetly

“Oh urrrm, Have you....... well... it doesn’t matter!” He said nervously

“I’ll talk to you later Nath when we get your house, I’ve got to go see you in five!” I said before putting down the phone

I couldn’t wait to see Nathan I had missed him but I don’t know if he would be happy to see me! I gathered all my stuff and went down stairs to wait for Nathan after I had been checked by the doctor who said I could go. I sat on the chair with Nath’s phone in my hand, I only had to wait a couple of minutes until Nath came, he walked in and picked me up before placing a kiss on my forehead “are you ok babe?” He asked sweetly “Urrrm ya I’m fine!” I said smiling at him, He put me down and picked up my things, he said that I had to take it easy so he would carry my stuff for me so I just walked behind him, I put his phone in my pocket with mine I wanted to keep it until we get home so I could talk to him. We got to the car, he must of got a new one or borrowed one as it wasn’t our car, Nath put my things in the car and we got in “Glad I’ve got you back” Nath said placing a another kiss on me this time on my lips before smiling and starting up the car, “you ready to go home” He said putting his hand on my leg, I nodded and smiled back “Let’s go home!” I said softly. It only took about half an hour to get home but for the whole journey I didn’t speak I was just looking outside thinking of what I was going to say, The journey home went by fast and before I knew it i was home-ish, Naths home was like my Home I spent most of my time there now and he said that I could call it home if I wanted to. When we arrived Jay’s car was there “Urrrm Nath, what is Jay’s car doing here?” I asked in a worried voice “Oh .... Well me and Jay are ... Well.... we are just talking about things!” He said nervously “Bet I could guess what about!” I whispered to myself “Pardon Jess?” Nath asked curiously “Oh nothing important is he staying long? Because you and me need to talk!” I asked “Urrrm don’t think so!” He replied. I walked in the house followed by Nath “Jay, you have to leave now sorry but me and Nath to talk in private!” I said pointing at the door “Oh Nice seeing you to” He said sarcastically “Ha-ha stop joking around and get out of our house NOW!” I shouted “Jess you ok” Nath said putting a hand on my shoulder “Yes I’m fine Nath, Well what you waiting for James!” I said starting to get a temper “Calm done babe I’m going!” He said before standing up “Don’t you dare call me babe James, Now get out!” I said getting a bigger temper now “Sure thing sweet’s” Jay said starting to tease me, I could of hit him or throne something at him he was really annoying me now “Leave her along Jay, can you go please and I mean now Jay!” Nath said putting a hand on my shoulder, Jay said bye to Nath and before he could say anymore “Don’t even bother” I shouted slamming the door behind him. I walked over to the coach and sat down with my hands covering my face I felt a few tears fall down my face “What was all that about Jessica, What’s wrong?” Nathan asked coming and sitting next to me, I took my head from my hands and looked up at Nathan before sighing “Nath is there something you want to tell me?” I asked taking his hand “What do you mean I don’t know what you’re talking about Jess!” He said looking awkward “Would this help?” I asked pulling out his phone “oh my phone! I forgot about!” He said giving me a weak smile “So Nath, Is there something you want to tell me about these messages?” I asked taking his hair from his face “Oh, I guess you read them then!” He replied “Yeh, why didn’t you tell me?” I asked Him “Because I can’t choose between you and my band!” He said taking my other hand “Nath, you’ve got till tomorrow and it weren’t just that, you had to get rid of our child, tell me honestly did you crash that car on purpose?” I said sighing “NO, how could you think that Jess, I Love you I wouldn’t of hurt you or our child I couldn’t see you get hurt but I guess now, I’ve already hurt you both and Tom for that matter, You’re probably better off without me anyway!” He said starting to cry, he put his face in his hands “Nathan, don’t say that I love you, I shouldn’t have thought that I know I’m sorry please Nath it wasn’t your fault, It was an accident everyone has them!” I said putting my arm around him “Nathan, look at me I know your band means loads to you and I won’t hate you if you leave me as long as you’re happy, that’s all I care about!” I said smiling at his gorgeous face, if he did leave me that would be one of the things I would miss about him “Jess, I can’t do it, I...I...I can’t choose I love you I won’t be able to see you again, I can’t do it I love being part of The Wanted!” He said breaking down into tears “Nath” I said picking up his face “Ok, this is going to hurt me as much as it is going to hurt you but if you love your job carry on with it, I’ll be out tomorrow morning and I’ll go” I stood up and pulled Nath up with me “I love you no matter what, I just want what’s best for you!” I whispered before pulling him closer for a kiss, Nathan moved back and shook his head “No Jessica, I can’t let you go, It’s just too hard, I...I...I...I” he started before “Shut up and kiss me Nathan” I pulled him closer. One of the best feelings ever I would always miss this.

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