Chapter 8

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Chapter eight

I opened my eyes and peeked around my room. The curtains weren’t shut properly last night, this is going to annoy me for the rest of my life. The room was dead silent it’s been a long time since it’s been like this, I got up, and through on a pair of jeans and a top i got a jacket out and crept down stairs it was 6 in the morning two hours till Nath went to the train station so I went for a walk outside, it was very quiet and no one was around. I guess it was going to be quiet without Nath being around and I guess that I was going to miss Tom as well, I love Tom but now I’ve started to love Nath even more than I should time went by and i started to make my way make to Naths house, i opened the door and there was Nath running around collecting his stuff “Morning” I said laughing “Morning Jess, where have you been?” He asked just glancing at me for a couple of seconds before carrying on collecting his things “Just out walking you want any help Nath?” I asked still chuckling “I’m fine thanks I’ve  ...wait......I’ve finished now any way” He said looking at what he had making sure he had everything before coming over and giving me a hug “You ready to go?” I asked before giving him a kiss “Yep I’m ready” he said giggling before giving me a kiss back we both laughed. I helped Nath put his stuff in the car before driving to the station. After about 10-15 minutes we got to the station and got out the car “Well I guess this is it” I said looking at Nath “ain’t you coming in?” Nath asked pulling a sad face I shook my head “I can’t face anyone and what about your fans? Sorry Nath I can’t do it” I sad taking his hand “two things, one the fans all ready know and are looking at us now, and two I can’t take all my stuff in on my own!” He said sarcastically, I sighed and picked up some of his things whilst looking around at the screaming fans “Come on then you’re going to miss your train” I said giggling Nath grabbed the rest of his stuff and we made our way into the station followed by screaming fans, we made our way to kev max jay and seev it looked like Tom hadn’t come yet “Hi Nath you ready going back to your home town” Kev said greeting Nath “Ya I’m ready, can’t wait” Nath answered nervously “Morning Jessica” I heard Max say, I was slightly confused but I turned to him and said morning and wished him luck and did the same with seev but Jay wouldn’t say anything he was in a proper mood with me so I made my way back to Nath. Seconds later we could here screaming fans so we knew Tom must be here, soon as Tom came I said bye to everyone part from Jay and gave Nath a hug I managed to say bye to Tom but that’s all I said then made my way back to the car, I had some fans following me but most of the fans stayed to watch them go. I drove off after I saw the train leave the station my phone vibrated

“Love you loads, already missing you loadz”

It was from Nath, I text him back saying have a safe journey and stay safe. I now had a full week on my own, I decided that I would get all my stuff from Tom’s house and move them into Nath’s whilst no one was around. I made plans to visit my family and friends whilst I was only to. I arrived at Nath’s house and decided to tidy up so i wasn’t bored It took most of the day! When I had finished I decided to go on twitter again

“My boys have gone now, have a safe Journey boys X”

I watched as the RT’s and Favourites went up again both into the thousands, I noticed that people had tweeted about how they saw me and Nath and the fanmily were putting up pictures saying that we looked cute, I thought that it was sweet so I decided to Rt their messages, seeing their reactions was great It made me smile So I decided I would stay on and follow people and tweet them I loved it and I loved there fanmily they were all so friendly, it was so nice talking to them I had loads of messages from them and I only could reply to a couple as there was too many, they kept asking me about what had happened to me and Tom and if me and Nathan were going out but I didn’t say much about that until Nath tweeted

“I’m missing my babe @JessTW lots love her so much XXX”

Twitter went mad, but I loved it.

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